Sea Lions vs. Harbor Seals: Here’s How to Tell the Difference

Plus a story of a recent sea lion friend that I made

April Stephens
In Living Color


harbor seal at Point Lobos, author’s photo

Ever since I moved to northern California, I have been a big fan of gawking at what I thought were sea lions. There were so many, and they all look different.

My dad recently saw my photos and pointed out that the giant Point Lobos ones are not sea lions at all. They are harbor seals.

“What?” No way. So I went in to full research mode online to ascertain the facts. These aren’t exactly animals you encounter living in most places.

Turns out Dad is right. Why does that always happen?

Point Lobos boasts harbor seals, elephant seals (Those are super ugly, but we will love them anyway), as well as the sea lions and even sea otters. Once an enormous dead whale even washed up on the shore. My neighbor said that was quite the stench.

So what’s the difference?

First, there’s the pattern on their skin. Sea lions are mostly plain brown. Harbor seals come in several colors and patterns.

Seals: patterned skin, short flippers, no ear flaps (author photo)



April Stephens
In Living Color

Mom of four boys & seasoned Army wife. I write about travel, faith, parenting, and mental health. Author of Tour Israel in Pictures & Stories.