Strange Cats in Windows

Cute and suspicious

Mark Tulin
In Living Color
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2023


Photo by Mark Tulin

Sometimes I like a window with the sun, other times the shade. It all depends on what interests me, who’s out there, and the noises I hear. Right now, a bird is fluttering in the tree that I’d like to sink my teeth into.

Photo by Mark Tulin

I am a strange, spooky apparition — and I like it.

Photo by Mark Tulin

I see you. You see me. Now what? Try me in a stare-down contest. See who’d win. Bet it’s me.

Photo by Mark Tulin

One of these days, I will have a streak-free window so I can see everything clearly and not be distracted by the smudge marks.

Photo by Mark Tulin



Mark Tulin
In Living Color

I escaped a therapy career to follow a dream. Poetry/Humor/Sexuality/Doodler/Storyteller —