The Homeschool Chronicles- Teaching My Kids the Chef Method

The best way to teach lessons is while you prepare a meal together

In Living Color


Foraging for wild blackberries in nature. Tip- Try to pick berries away from busy roads for safety reasons and to avoid potential contamination with pollutants. — Author Photo
Blackberry Puree Baby food I made for my baby girl- Author’s Photo

When I decided to withdraw both of my boys from the school system in the wake of the pandemic, homeschooling was not unfamiliar territory for me. I had previously attempted to homeschool my eldest son during his second-grade year, but the endeavor proved challenging as I was still balancing employment at the time. Eventually, I had to re-enroll him in the traditional school system although I never loved the idea of having my kids in a school system.

Perhaps it was a convergence of my own school-related traumas and witnessing my children’s increasing dissatisfaction and health issues that prompted me to reconsider homeschooling, a decision I ultimately committed to once the pandemic struck. With the threat of COVID looming, and already being a full-time stay-at-home mom, it seemed like a logical choice to mitigate the risk of exposure for my children.

We leaped and never looked back.

We call our homeschool: Free Flow. Most of our learning is done while out in nature, or in the kitchen with…



In Living Color

Imagine if a care bear & the joker had a baby : You would get me. I’m a person not a niche. So if you like randomness and diverse stories follow me.