The Magic of HairStyles

Why I love exploring different styles

In Living Color


This style made me feel like the black version of Snow White. — Author’s Photo

There’s a joke that I have shapeshifting abilities. I can switch up my appearance to the point you may not recognize me at times.

Over the past few years, I’ve grown to love embracing new hairstyles and stepping out of my comfort zone with different volumes and colors. I find it so amazing that a hairstyle change can not only transform someone’s appearance, but also it can transform their confidence and mood as well.

Copper and Chocolate- Author’s Photo

After my grandmother passed away in 2015, I was grieving so bad it was days I felt like I couldn’t breathe, so I decided to chop most of my hair off. It brought me instant relief. Some people questioned why I cut my hair, saying it wouldn’t bring her back. Of course, I knew that. While cutting my hair couldn’t bring my grandmother back, it did aid in my grieving process. It made me feel so liberated from the upkeep of longer hair, allowing me to focus more on processing my emotions. Looking back the only thing I would change is I should’ve gone completely bald.



In Living Color

Imagine if a care bear & the joker had a baby : You would get me. I’m a person not a niche. So if you like randomness and diverse stories follow me.