Travel & Photography

Walking on Pathways Through the English Countryside

From the city of London to the backcountry of the UK

JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color
Published in
7 min readSep 12, 2024


A cornfield in West Sussex near Birdham, England
A field of corn in the UK makes for the perfect neighbor— all photos by JoAnn Ryan

Heading out from the townhouse in West Sussex, where I’m house-sitting and caring for a cutie fur ball named Teddy, I take a long pull of clean, crisp air. A tinge of unexpected bliss, my eyes close for a few seconds and then open again — wouldn’t want to trip over a curb or something.

Cute fluffy white and ginger English cat
This is Teddy — he’s so super sweet with crazy soft fur!

An immense cornfield runs along the opposite side of the road and I think, hmm, have I slept this close to a cornfield before? Not sure. I have stayed overnight in places like Nebraska and Oklahoma while on road trips though, so it certainly could be possible.

A slight breeze stirs the cornstalks and the leaves of the trees. The sky is grayish white and thick with clouds. I know, I know, such a shocker in England. It doesn’t seem as though it will rain however, so I opt against carrying an umbrella.

A far sight different from where I was just a week or two prior in the bustling metropolis of London. Loved it, to be sure, with its seemingly endless rows of terraced housing and its swarms…



JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and Kaleidosphere.