when you’re feeling unproductive

Janjira Sun
In My Universe
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2020

with hustle culture coming in strong, feeling as if you aren’t producing enough is slowly starting to become the new normal. while we’re surrounded by others who are constantly pushing out content and work, it’s incredibly easy to feel as if you’re falling behind, but news flash- you’re not! 🥺

some of us have forgotten that we’re living through a pandemic!! not many people can say that they’ve lived through one!

though you may not be pushing out work or new content right now, just know that you’re still being productive in your own way by taking the time to take care of your wants and needs. if you’re stuck in a ditch, not knowing what to do, here’s a little list that i’ve compiled for you with what i like to do when i’m in the rough. ✨

read 📚

  • we’re learning new things every few minutes (seconds, even) with the help of the internet. it’s easy to get caught up with all of the traumatizing things that are going on around us.
  • books are a nice way to not only learn about something new, but to get back to our reading roots.

a few book recommendations —

atomic habits by james clear

  • a great self development book that teaches us about how habits are formed, how to keep them, and how to develop new ones.

normal people by sally rooney

  • a fictional romance novel that follows two individuals through their journeys in life.

listen to some motivational content 🎙

Your elusive creative genius | Elizabeth Gilbert

  • we don’t wait for our creative genius, we work with and for it. a great interpretation of how gilbert tackles her own creative blocks.

safely go outside 🌞

  • talking a brisk walk is a nice way to get your body moving- you get your daily sun intake and you get to stretch your legs after you spent your day binging that new netflix series ☁️
  • go on a picnic (by yourself or with your friends!) — don’t forget to keep a considerable distance from others + wear your face masks! ⭐️ having conversations with people you love to be around may help spark something new within you.

find/do something new 👁


  • i’m always tuning into old hits, so this album has been super refreshing in introducing me to new music, and it hasn’t disappointed yet!
  • create immaculate bullet journal spreads, just for the heck of it. it’s relaxing and gets your creative juices flowing!

just take a nap 💤

  • i’ve noticed that sometimes, i’m just lacking a bit of sleep. taking a quick 30 minute nap will do the trick. set a timer for 45 minutes so you have 15 minutes to fall asleep.

hopefully this little list inspired you! remember that just because you aren’t producing, doesn’t mean you aren’t productive. self care is the first step to being productive, and it’s a super important aspect of productivity!

what do you do to get your creative juices flowing? comment down below, or shoot us a DM on instagram! 💛

until next time,

— J ♡



Janjira Sun
In My Universe

content @ murmur, avid rice eater + newfound mapo tofu fiend. @/janjirasun everywhere.