[Infographic] Website Localisation is the key to global success

Francesco Cavallone
In Other Words’ Blog
1 min readAug 14, 2015

It is undeniable that globalisation and the constant growth of Internet users have helped businesses to succeed globally. Connecting brands with potential customers is simple as never before. They can find information, reviews, and everything they need online. However, in many cases they use their native language to research on the Web. This means that website localisation is one of the most important aspects of global success. In fact, if you look at start-ups and businesses that are increasing their revenues globally, you can see a common denominator. They opt for a website translation service and very often, they collaborate with a professional language service provider.

Still not convinced that the investment in localisation of your website is worth the cost? Well, sometimes figures are worth a thousand words. The following is an infographic by Lionbridge showing a few reasons why improving the quality experience of your website for global customers will help you engage new audiences abroad.

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Originally published at inotherwords.agency on August 14, 2015.

