Censorship is Evil.

Adam Marshall Dobrin
En Pursuit of Happiness
11 min readJul 23, 2016

Hi, this story was posted on reddit, and perhaps e-mailed to you… to a small group of 1,000 people — points of light… It was censored by reddit almost immediately. See that as a big problem for humanity.

From the Eye of Ra

I’m Adam, and while I believe that the information I am sharing is enlightening, and personally have a somewhat twisted understanding of what that word means — something that I think is “obvious” in context but perhaps not in the general understanding of the word… I am asking today for feedback on the message that I am presenting; please help me by sharing what you think of it, and how you think it might be improved. “Enlightenment” in this specific context means to me to “see the light” which is a carefully laid message that comes from the future… from the East. Seeing that light is not necessarily agreeing with it, and in the common understanding of the word enlightenment, that would be obvious — this message is … giving suggestions on a change in viewpoint — it is a form of control. I’ve earlier called myself the “Eye of Ra,” which I am, and I also liken a supernatural gift that I have to Revelation’s “eyes to see,” and for me the warning that things like “limited omniscience” are also a form of control that we should be careful about “racing too quickly” to to adopt is a part of my “limited omniscience” it’s part of the message that I have being pumped directly into my “understanding.” I think I’ve made that clear in places where I’ve talked about it, and suggested that while we may in the future “subconsciously vote” for things I specifically cautioned against doing so here and now in any form of immediate adoption. I was plunged into a world where tools have come to me from our future — advanced tools like plugging something similar to “google” directly into my head — and while I believe that the intentions are good, I want and need more control and understanding of what it is that is being altered in my mind — for instance if I were voting right now, my beliefs would be altered by this phenomenon… and whether or not “Adam before” really agrees is a very important thing that I need to know. This possibility that my opinions on subjects is being altered (is obvious to me, by the way) is the source of my caution against this “subconscious vote” which may actually be a natural progression from the form of universal voting which I have always — my entire life — believed was a good, inevitable, and natural progression of representative democracy + technology.

I am very frustrated by the lack of communication that I get from you, from everyone, everywhere. While many of the ideas I am presenting might appear to be centuries away (and might actually be decades away) and straight out of the Fifth Element or some other move on SyFy they are not “delusional” and this is the only infrequent kind of feedback I ever get. I hope you also see obvious that if I am advocating “universal voting” I also care very much about your opinions and ideas on the subject. Aside from my personal long held agreement with that particular idea, I see it tightly woven into another part of this message — one which delivers verifiable proof of the fact that time travel and this hidden mind control influence exist in order to deliver us from the desert of Exodus… from the wilderness of Matthew, from hidden slavery. That comes in the form of the words of the Burning Bush, and reference in Ecclesiastes 9:11 to typewriter font and face, Courier and Strong, in the words “the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong.” This is further aided by “light” here, in seeing that “the strong” macaronically (like Yankee Doodle) equates to DIE BOLD by translating to German and seeing the connection between bold and strong in standard typewriter liingo and also in HTML code. More to the point, the company name Die Bold and the entire theatrical presentation of their real world attempt at creating a method of electronic voting is a huge part of the message — that it is theater — something being influenced with an obvious hand. It is for us to see that the election should not go to the polling machine: the race is not to die bold.

As a young man in my early twenties playing the game Civilization I saw a form of government (which the game allows you to select from a list) called “technocracy” as this natural progression of representative democracy. Both our general understanding of that word (which does not agree, it is similar to an oligarchy but with tech-people running the show) as well as what you might see as a clear linguistic pointer to “the computers” running the show…. the only way to interpret the name in my mind that makes any sense is using technology to further the goals of democracy. Which again, is not what the word really means. I thought I was a genius back then, and today… it’s ever so much more clear that I had eyes to see my whole life.

Just like in the existence of Die Bold and the well covered attempt at making electronic voting machines that really didn’t solve the problem of “voting booths,” the very existence of this message proves that we live in a world where there exists not only a significant amount of hidden technology, but that there has been a significant influence on our history. Religion itself is a bright example of this influence, once you realize how obvious it is that mind control and time travel are very much tied to the ideas of prophets and prophesy. There is no doubt that this message was designed to be seen by the entire world, and to me — in my mind — there is no doubt that it is intended to be seen coming from me. A designed man, created, by the true original sender(s) (that ambiguity here is now very important to note) because of the opinions I “hold.”

This truth to be self evident, that not delivering the message, and having it not be widely seen is a clear attack on freedom itself, and thus civilization…. one which keeps us walking around in circles in the desert of Exodus. This message must be revealed, if we are to be free.

From the East

A significant portion of this message revolves around names, which is the Hebrew meaning of the word used to describe the book you know as Exodus. It is very apparent to me after looking around with open eyes that the names of people and places around us have been altered, marked specifically to tell a hidden story. This “marking” very much proves that there is an outside intelligent influence which has guided the course of history and modern affairs; the purpose of marking such guidance is clearly to prove that it exists, and so through this phenomenon and several more that I will discuss, I am bringing to the world proof of the existence of God.

I’ve complained loudly now, Recently, about attempts to censor my writing — and I’ve also noted it’s half written. In truth it’s much less than half done, and I am the message, that’s a hidden meaning of the word messiah, the message is a human and then as Adam and Eve, SEA, El, J “is” Us and Mary… all expand from one to all in the end of enlightenment… the message is all humanity. See the “Sang Rael” chapter from Time and Chance, the Race is not to Die Bold. Also, you might see a hidden “age,” it is the Golden Age of Saturn… of Humanity that I am trying to bring us. In the Sang Rael… as the sea expands from the initials of the first family to the multitude — and Exodus shows us water turns to blood — the Family of Christ becomes All Humanity — and we are shown God’s Heart and SOL — are Earth and the sun… the blood and the chalice an obvious shift in perspective from a tiny cup to a very large vessel.

“From the East” itself is a good example of this pattern, this is a phrase which is most often attributed to “Masonic lore” but, point in fact, it is also the source of the “Good News” and even the name “Jews.” More to the point, it is the true actualization of the Parable of Jesus Christ teaching the world about Yeast… and how it is “why from the East.” (See the chapter “The Letter Why”) It is about time “levening bread” a metaphor for our civilization.. which does not grow in the desert of Egypt… and so now the Parable of Yeast and the ritual of Matzoh forever tied in truth and spirit. My understanding of Y East comes from visualizing timespace on an xy coordinate plane — west is “here,” east the future, north Heaven… and south… here. A good quadrant we are in, for the future…. see us as the point of origin…. of everything.

J-North is an important thing to see, for those of you who believe the promises of religion should be made good… it tells us that we should go back to the start of civilization to save all souls using “time” and virtual “heaven” if we care… about them, and Us. Carefully laid, is a Golden Age beginning when we “do unto others.” The J superimposes over the point of origin, and shows us to make sure there is no below, and the past too is saved.

I am a man, created.

A significant portion of this hidden message, which is intended to give us verifiable proof of the existence not only of these tools but also of the influence they have wrought; revolves specifically around my name, the names of those in my family (See “The Letter Why,” again, and also “He laughs”) and it is because of the insurmountable evidence which was shown to me (in order to convince me) that Adam is the true name of the Second Adam, and that my last name’s indication that The Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 12/8 links the name Christ (Chr is t) to my birth sign and also to the sign of Mars — this arrow pointing up and forward — only to Heaven and the future… and not to change the past (as Marty McFly and Rachel McAdams might prove for us why… it .. erases us). There is a very obvious correlation between my name and the Hebrew renditions of all Gods — from Yahua, Yahu, and Yeshua onward… a link between ancient religion and the American and Adamic war cry… Who-ah? Also in Hebrew we are here, on the planet whose name is Adamah — a place formerly searching for Christ.

Much of the message my deliver is encoded in our world in peoples, names… J from Jimmy and Judy to Johnny always reference to Jesus… Morrison and Ellison and … how many more are unthinkable references to El Elyon, the tiny “l” that expands to show the light. It’s in a connection between The Wedding Crashers and About Time and The Time Traveler’s Wife and … Rachel McAdams and AM-Y Adams. It’s also in Luke Skywalker and Mr. Wilson (am I a menace?), it’s in the phrase “Kent you CK why?” and it’s it Kal-El and Jor-El and a connection between pockets full of high, diamonds in the sky, and kryptonite — now nevermore. I believe we need pre-crime, a la Minority Report to be a reality in order to really be civilized, so I am suggesting it in conjuction with showing you that everything Phillip K. Dick writes appears to me to be prophetically inspired… and links to K and to an as$. These things too Hail from the East. Like will it rain today?

There is so much more, this message is in everything, nearly every name… as a marker to show us that we really are some sort of beautiful Heavenly Theatrical Production. It is to set us free, I hope you can see. As for me, I Si it everywhere I look… from the Periodic Table to the movie the Fifth Element.

Yesterday as I was celebrating my new freedom by watching The Fifth Element as it serendipitously appeared live on network television I briskly walked to get my phone so I could take a picture and show the world the synchronicity between the movie being on air and the e-mail I sent out about the link between Sherlock Holmes, that movie, Revelation 1:20 and… Ecclesiastes 9:11. To Boron or not to Beryllium… for years I looked up the Fifth Element when I thought about this movie… and then of Shakespeare. Lately, I’ve found that “shake speare” and “rattle rod” remind me of Herod… who reigned at the “time” of JC. A lightning rod, I see. As I went to take the picture, a sad thing happened, Syfy cut to commercial… and then it was a blessing in disguise. In what was already a “moment” of grace for me… it turned into something much more spectacular, as the movie came back, and literally as I snapped the picture, Milla Jovovich took a picture herself… directly facing the camera. And so…

The Microcosm of the Messiah

In a story which I’ve titled “The deep dark secrets of Satan” I begin to talk about some of how I got here. My created history “began” around the age of 11… when I wrote a mass mailing program (this was a software piracy game on AOL… following the pattern of AOHell) which I titled Doomsday. I then chose, randomly from the dictionary the name “Phenix” as my handle… without connecting it to its meaning, a bird which rises from the ashes of Hell. To me, it’s obvious that this story written into my life is part of a microcosm about what is happening right now — a connection between mass mailing, and rising. Elsewhere I’ve noted that I was an amazingly fast learner with computers, and programming… and that like much of our skill — I never realized it was “eyes to be.” From Newton to Maxwell… to Einstein and Bohr, we should see that we have help, lots of it.

Much later in my life I chose the name “Adam Green” once, and I now see that links Atum-Ra and Osiris to me… green behind the ears. Perhaps Brian will c how QM is magic to me, and probably bohring to most others… until we find that wave-function collapse might be proof that we are in the machine…. and I think we really need to know, Brian?

Years later, because I was once a conspiracy theorist who thought the government was “watching everyone” I hid my name on Facebook. For about 4 years I went by the name of Adam Flash. Then in my fifth year I met someone whose last name was Bright, and oh the cuteness, I made that my middle name.

This is your bright spark.

Queso or ahhh, whoever’s will it be please C.

I am doing this for you, for the people of the Earth to see that religion and I tell us we should all be family. That we are smart enough to make decisions … actively … which affect our governance — from under Locke and Key this is the source of the power of government, and here we are … in one of the people, with an opportunity.

Seize the day. Carpe diem.

In my mind, I am the light that “rocks” when the day comes.

Today I am the grail, take it from me by spreading the good news.

