AI — Simplified to The Core

Vjeran Buselic
In Search for Knowledge
3 min readAug 23, 2024

Again, in order to understand some (especially complex) phenomena, most important key concepts and principles should be brought to the interested audience. But we have golden fish/internet attention span, which is huge problem educators need to resolve.

Let’s not change the subject, change the form, make this column longer but easier to comprehend.

Let’s use the same cure which infected us with short span, and nasty dopamine greed habit — Internet itself.

My intention is to make you this learning quest enough interested and motivated, so this column is only about excellent concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI brought to you by some remarkable (video) educators.

Find them on Youtube, relax and learn!

If you watch them both, it will take much longer than regular column, but I promise it will be much more entertaining.

As we are still in understanding mode, we will not drill deeper or to any specifics, just giving you an accurate yet simplified view of concepts (of AI) and some major principles and questions (of Generative AI).

If you have no, or very low knowledge on these subjects, watching both videos is a must. But if you are very familiar or even expert, then I command you to watch.

First reread last column, if you didn’t already, and enjoy personal hunt for missing tigers, either in your or authors model.

What is AI — For People in a Hurry

The first one is straightforward classification of AI terms and concepts.

The easiest way to understand artificial intelligence, says author, dr. Raj Ramesh, is in the context of a human. After all humans are the most intelligent creatures we know off.

Literary squeezed in five minutes through brilliant human related analogies the animation discusses how Artificial Intelligence (AI) seeks to extend/replicate human intelligence across various domains, such as Speech Recognition, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning. And also, it has enough time and imagination to bring closer the concepts of Statistical Learning, Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning types, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neural Networks and Deep Learning.

Generative AI in a Nutshell — how to survive and thrive in the age of AI

The second video provides a basic overview of how Generative AI is trained and operates, but its primary focus is on the significant changes it is bringing to industry and society.

From the very first sentence, the brilliant educator Henrik Kniberg emphasizes why Generative AI is far more than just another tool.

‘Ever since computers were invented they’ve really just been glorified calculators machines that execute the exact instructions given to them by the programmers but something incredible is happening now. They have started gaining the ability to learn and think and communicate just like we do’.

Unlike traditional AI, Generative AI can produce original content, which is impacting various industries and the nature of work.

So, if it is (not yet) better than us, will human work become neglected, or even obsolete, what kind of new skills humans must acquire in order not to let Generative AI control them?

It is new literacy of AI era — Prompt Engineeringmastering how to communicate with Generative AI through effective prompts is essential for maximizing its potential.

This skill will be as fundamental as reading and writing in the AI age.

I will not drill down any further, enjoy the video(s), think for yourself, and join us understanding and mastering this new essential skill in our quest for knowledge.

Doing More

This time, nothing in knowing more section, just google/youtube them and enjoy yourself. Two times!!

In Search for Knowledge publication
Mastering Insightful Dialogue with Gen AI

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Vjeran Buselic
In Search for Knowledge

30 years in IT, 10+ in Education teaching life changing courses. Delighted by GenAI abilities in personalized learning. Enjoying and sharing the experience.