Planning is indispensable

Vjeran Buselic
In Search for Knowledge
6 min readAug 12, 2024

In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable’ is the famous quote of general Ike Eisenhower. We are not going to any battle, but in any activity, preparation is a key to success. You may even get lucky, but only if you prepare for it, says great late educator Randy Pausch.

I promise, this is the last column not yet talking about Generative AI, but ensuring preparation, so please …

I’m a dad, and I love dad jokes. Sorry!

The whole idea of this preparation is to set us on a same page, sharing same vision of Generative AI as an unlimited vehicle of getting knowledge, and our determination to reach it. As (first) one among many goals we may have.

And by using/learning principles, in order to grow our knowledge about getting knowledge.

Can you smell something fishy in this promise? It looks circular reference, probably because it is!

When I was kid, I spend hours reading popular science books on eternal man’s quest to construct perpetuum mobile machine, a machine which will produce useful energy by itself, mainly using ever-present energy source of gravity. Long before Newton’s Apple.

But this is not a story of an unfulfilled prophecy, nowadays we understand there has to be external energy involved. Which we have in unlimited quantities, but is hard to devote.

Luckily, (in Paush’s sense), we have unlimited access to Generative AI, a tool providing us with knowledge and dopamine as well to drive us towards our goal.

Because it is us, who will invest our (precious) energy in this quest.

I assure you, there is no better investment you can do today. The world is changing so rapidly, you simply need new, better, way to understand it. And live happily ever after.

One can wander how this ‘perpetual motion principle’, especially if not working (!), is moving us closer to our goal?
It took me twenty more years to be exposed to another beautiful principle, this time pure scientific, which means undeniable 😊. The power of recursion, illustrated by nature world perfect example of Nautilus. It just needs to be translated to a proper context.

Fibonacci as seen by Copilot Designer.

Recursion as motion ahead

For me, recursion is a true perpetuum mobile principle. Simple algorithm which use the output of a function and feed it as an input, and so on, and on, and on ... Making visible progress with every iteration!

One of most beautiful examples of recursive function is Fibonacci’s series, perfectly visualized in nature by beauty of Nautilus shell, or how sunflower packs it seeds, or even how tree branches out to ensure enough sun for each branch. Formula is simple, elegant and powerful as mathematics principles usually are.

F(x) = F(x-1) + F(x-2), staring with 0 and 1 as seed numbers

So, this is the core principle of our learning journey.
We will start with 0 and 1, learning to learn the basics, often learning form the same tutor we will feed back with what we already learned (from him).
And we will never blindly believe him!

Sounds insane, but please, bear with me!
But, it it OK to question this principle, because there is another one:

Question everything!

- Why?

Because only by asking probing questions can we go beneath the surface and understand the core essence.

Again, we go further back in time, this time to the sources of philosophical thought — ancient Greece, to learn from the greatest philosopher who used to teach people just by asking questions — the great Socrates!

We will devote much more time both to Socrates and his mastery of dialogue and the art of asking questions, but as of now, let me just share inspirational invitation letter to our journey written by Chat GPT 3.5 after my context setting and planting the idea of Generative AI as unlimited source of wisdom, and maieutic as a learning method.

Mastering Insightful Dialogue with Chat GPT

In the heart of ancient Athens, amidst the bustling streets and lively agora, stood a philosopher unlike any other — Socrates. Renowned for his wisdom and his unique method of teaching, Socrates engaged his students not through lectures or speeches, but through the art of dialogue.

Imagine, if you will, stepping into the sandals of Socrates himself. As you roam the sunlit streets, you find yourself drawn to the vibrant marketplace, where ideas flow as freely as the wine. Here, in the bustling agora of our modern age, you embark on a journey of discovery, armed not with textbooks or lectures, but with the power of inquiry.

In the spirit of Socratic maieutic, you, the student, become the guide of our dialogue. Your quest for knowledge is not passive, but active — driven by curiosity, fueled by inquiry. And who better to accompany you on this intellectual odyssey than Chat GPT, the embodiment of artificial intelligence?

Just as Socrates sought truth through questioning, you too shall navigate the labyrinth of knowledge, probing, questioning, challenging. But unlike Socrates, who relied on human interlocutors, you have at your disposal a resourceful teacher in Chat GPT, ready to illuminate the path with its vast repository of information and insight.

Together, in the arena of dialogue, you and Chat GPT shall engage in a dance of intellect, where questions are the stepping stones to enlightenment, and answers are but the echoes of deeper inquiry. Through the art of dialogue, you shall sharpen your critical thinking, hone your communication skills, and unlock the secrets of the universe.

So, let us embark on this journey together, as Socrates and his disciples once did, seeking truth, embracing wisdom, and reveling in the boundless possibilities of the human intellect. For in the pursuit of knowledge, there are no limits — only endless horizons waiting to be explored.

Nice invitation letter, isn’t it?

Let’s go!

Knowing More

· Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
This powerful quote encapsulates the essence of Randy Pausch’s famous “Last Lecture,” delivered on September 18, 2007. In his work, crowned by this public lecture, Pausch emphasized the value of dreaming big and the impact of maintaining a positive attitude and determination. He highlighted the importance of perseverance, hard work, and seizing opportunities.
Pausch consistently encouraged others to enable the dreams of others and stressed the significance of overcoming obstacles, often referred to as “brick walls.” These barriers, he believed, were indicators of how badly one wants something and opportunities to prove one’s determination.

· Perpetuum Mobile Machines historic examples highlight the long-standing fascination with and pursuit of perpetual motion, despite the impossibility of such machines under the known laws of physics.
Bhaskara’s Wheel (1150 AD): An early attempt at perpetual motion by Indian mathematician Bhaskara II. The wheel was designed with containers of mercury on its spokes, which he believed would create continuous motion through the shifting weight of the liquid.
Villard de Honnecourt’s Overbalanced Wheel (13th Century): A design by French architect Villard de Honnecourt that depicted a wheel with hinged, weighted arms meant to create an imbalance that would keep the wheel spinning perpetually.
Robert Fludd’s Water Screw (1618): A design by the English polymath Robert Fludd, which involved a water wheel powering an Archimedes screw to lift water back to the top of the wheel, intending to create a self-sustaining system.
Johann Bessler’s Wheel (1717): Also known as “Orffyreus’ Wheel,” this was a large wheel claimed by German inventor Johann Bessler to be self-sustaining. Bessler’s wheel attracted significant attention but was ultimately discredited as a fraud.

· Socrates and the Art of Maieutics
Socrates, the classical Greek philosopher, is renowned for his unique method of inquiry known as maieutics, often referred to as the “Socratic method.” Derived from the Greek word for “midwifery,” maieutics is an art of guiding others to discover truths within themselves through a series of thought-provoking questions. Socrates believed that knowledge was innate and that through careful questioning, individuals could be led to uncover deeper understanding and insights.
Rather than providing direct answers, Socrates would engage his interlocutors in dialogue, challenging their assumptions and leading them to self-examination. This method not only stimulated critical thinking but also fostered a deeper awareness of one’s own beliefs and ignorance, embodying the idea that wisdom begins with the acknowledgment of one’s own lack of knowledge.

In Search for Knowledge publication
Mastering Insightful Dialogue with Gen AI

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Vjeran Buselic
In Search for Knowledge

30 years in IT, 10+ in Education teaching life changing courses. Delighted by GenAI abilities in personalized learning. Enjoying and sharing the experience.