A chunk full

Ayomide Ofulue
In Seed Form
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2020

Plenty is great until its the kind that keeps us from progressing

A demon keeps me from opening this app

My inbox reads 782 unread. How did I get here?

Recently I left my mailbox for a couple of days unattended to and new messages have mounted up with wings as eagles.

This is none of your business but stay with me. I believe there is a correlation between a chunk full mailbox and our reality, as no matter what condition you’re in, you have an abundance of something. For you, it may be time, or money, or self-love or talent. Some good but some are tieing us down from pushing forward.

Plenty of money is good till it keeps us awake at night and selfish.

Plenty of time is good till we procrastinate and find out we’ve missed out on life.

Plenty of friends are good till we no longer know ourselves and need them for self-esteem

Plenty email makes me feel busy and needed until I miss opportunities from a small sect of them.

Can we trade the plenty for the important?

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:44

I believe we can become better versions of ourselves when we’re ready to leave the good comfort of plenty (safety, ease etc) for the ‘smaller’ greatness of best.

Back to my 782 unread emails. In this case, this is plenty I want nothing to do with. How do I get to zero?

Pray for me friend.



Ayomide Ofulue
In Seed Form

Personal-Growth Advocate. I write about real problems and applications. Christian. Writer: www.ayomideofulue.com and Teacher: www.ayomideofulue.substack.com