Have You Met Paul

Paul joined Side six months ago as a Key Account Manager in the Sales team. Since then he’s helped us grow our key accounts and give them a 5-star experience.

2 min readMar 12, 2018


“What motivates me every day is seeing the drive of the entire team to achieve greatness and go beyond standards.”

What were you doing before you joined Side?

Before joining Side I was working on a startup project of my own, called Mydelta. It was a gift-certificate system dedicated to corporate philanthropy. Basically companies could offer a donation to a charity of their employee’s choice, on the employee’s behalf.

Amongst all the options available to you, why did you choose to join Side?

I guess what attracted me in the first place was Side’s ambition and its solid team of InSiders. I was also really impressed by the vision the founders had for the company. Then, throughout the interview process, meeting other InSiders confirmed my choice to join the team.

What’s your job today?

I’m a key account manager which means I make sure our customers have an outstanding experience with Side, and I help them to identify potential future needs and areas where Side can help.

What’s a typical week like at Side for you?

I spend most of my time speaking with my customers and answering their needs and questions, whether that be over the phone, by email or in-person. When I’m not with customers, I work on improving our customer care and account management processes, to help make them simpler and more efficient.

What do you like most about working at Side?

What motivates me every day is seeing the drive of the entire team to achieve greatness and go beyond standards !

What problem are you solving, right now?

What are the most relevant metrics to analyze customer satisfaction, based on the nature of our business ? And… where are we going for lunch ?

What’s something that most people don’t know about you?

I speak fluent Spanish, have an insatiable appetite for cashew nuts and am always the first to suggest a Tuesday night run along the banks of the Seine (and to convince them to go the extra mile).

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