Edward leaves Anne

Love almost always leads to heartbreak — if it doesn’t you’ve done something terribly wrong. 

Johnny K Roedel
3 min readFeb 11, 2014

The old woman stood at the foot of her dead husband’s hospital bed with her arms folded across her chest. The nurses had already done everything they needed to do in preparation for the body to be taken to the funeral home.

She was now alone with her beloved for their final goodbye. The woman unfolded her arms and revealed a crumpled piece of paper that she'd been clutching since his heart had stopped beating thirty minutes ago.

With her shaking hand she raised the paper up and began to read out loud the breakup letter she had written to her dying sweetheart.

My Dearest Edward,

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It seems that after forty years together our final love song will be played by your god-damned beeping heart monitor. I’m writing this letter sitting next to your dying body in this terrible hospital room.

I wanted to say these things to you while you were awake, but now that’ll be impossible. You haven’t opened your eyes in two days and the doctor informed me that your heart is probably not going to make it through the night.

Before you're stolen from me I wanted to let you know something:

Loving you has ruined my life.

I'll never be able to forgive you for leaving me now. I became your prisoner from the moment you pressed your lips to mine outside of your father’s garage in high school. You're the planet that I orbit. I've given you every little part of me and you've rewarded me by vanishing forever.

Edward, you're playing the cruelest of all jokes on me. You charmed me, loved me unconditionally, and shared a lifetime with me- but it was always going to be temporary. I've nothing to show for our love but a broken heart.

What is the god-damned point of loving somebody to only have them be ripped away from you??

You said you would never leave me!

You're a liar!

Pastor Ray visited earlier and said that "I should cherish our memories together .” I smiled and nodded like I always do, but I wanted to claw the eyes off of his fat face. I wanted to scream at him that “My cherished memories of you wouldn’t hold me at night when I’m scared of being alone!”

I don’t want memories. I want you.

I’m sorry I’m angry. I don’t know what I will do once you are swallowed by the coming darkness. You were always there to hold my hand when I was frightened ...who will be there now?

My love, the beeps from your monitor are growing slower. You're packing your bags. You're leaving me soon. I will have nothing left here for me. I'll have been hollowed out.

I pray that you'll find me when I join you in the great oblivion. Please listen for me. I'll be screaming your name into the pitch dark. Find me and hold me again. You can brush my hair out of my eyes, kiss my forehead, and float with me forever.

Until that moment I’ll ache for you. You’ll be my phantom limb.

You’ve both saved and ruined my life.

Your beeps are fading...

Goodbye my love,


With that the old woman folded up her letter and softly sobbed on the floor until the transport came for her husband’s body



Johnny K Roedel

John Roedel writes about autism, depression and his fear of clowns. Probably in that exact order.