The Six-Word Memoir Backstory Challenge #1: “Almost Nothing Was Under My Control” by Joel Stein

A new writing contest seeks your backstory—true or fiction—to a Six-Word Memoir we love

SMITH Magazine
In Six Words: Backstories
2 min readJan 12, 2014


Six-Word Memoirs from SMITH Magazine has launched a new “backstory” challenge on Medium. Here’s how it works:

• Once a month, we’ll post a notable person’s Six-Word Memoir and then ask for your “backstory” in 600 words or less. Your backstory stories can be true or fictional, about your own life or someone else’s—we’re just interested in how you decide to interpret or riff off the Six-Word Memoir.

• First up: Time Magazine writer and all-around hilarious guy Joel Stein, whose Six-Word Memoir is: “Almost nothing was under my control.” Joel himself will pick his favorite backstory, a link to which he’ll then tweet to his nearly 1 million followers. We’ll send the winner three books of his or her choice from the Six-Word book series.

• How to submit:
1. Sign into and click the “New Story” button on top right of the page. Don’t have an account on Medium? You’ll be prompted to sign in with Twitter. Don’t have a Twitter account? Time to get one.

2. After you write your story—which you can save along way if you still drafting it— hit “publish” and then you’ll be asked if you want to add to any collection. Search for “In Six Words” to make sure to submit your story to our collection. Include “Almost nothing was under my control” at the start of your 600-word or less story.

• The contest starts on January 13 and runs through until February 3. For too much official rule-speak and the fine print, read the official contest rules. Question? Email us at concierge AT



SMITH Magazine
In Six Words: Backstories

A storytelling community obsessed with personal narrative and home of the Six-Word Memoir project and bestselling book series,