Self-made Queen and Dance with Words

Musical poetry on a guitar

Child of Nature
Breathe In-Spiritual Poetry
2 min readApr 14, 2023


Photo by Caio Silva on Unsplash

There is a quote or more of a statement that says “When you think something is not for you, there is most definitely something for you to explore”. If someone told me I’d be in love with reading poetry or writing one five years ago, I’d probably pronounce that person mad or insane. Even more so, I’m so shy in front of the camera; freezing out and having nervous thoughts — I never, not even in a dream, connected myself with doing what I’m about to share in this short post: me reciting while playing the guitar for a poetry musical background. With a little bit of positive feedback on my Yoors account, I decided to share it over here, too! Hope you’ll like it as much as Yoors community.

With me collecting courage, two of the previously published poems just got a new improved edition you can watch and hear, You can check it out in the videos below! You can also read the poems in the publication, here are the links: Self-made Queen and Dance with Words.

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