The mysterious power Love has

What are Queens, not so favorite F words?

Child of Nature
Breathe In-Spiritual Poetry
5 min readApr 28, 2023


Mysterious and secretive, love will catch with us all setting the right questions and leaving an invitation to the observer to give answers in its own authenticity and uniqueness. That’s the power of human choices. How often do we choose to live in love, by love's rules? Love comes in many forms, questions, and answers, but does the observer notice any of it? How often do we dare to answer its calling with honest intention to grow and thrive? How often do we dare to be the best version of ourselves? All questions love sets, leaving You to answer. Hi, my name is Aurora and I’m writing memoirs that came alive in the past. I have many aspects, and today I’m talking with me, myself and I — my higher self. Her name is Anuk.

“What do you know on your cellular level?” — a question comes out of the blue because this ping-pong I have been playing with myself is healing. Profound healing. I’ll answer her with our little ritual.

“Anuk, from part to part, from love to love, girl. What do I know? Well, I know I erased Crist's legacy of shame, pain, and guilt inside my personal world. Hoping I could erase it forever from my world, and I have a feeling my younger self will help that. She writes amazing poetry!”

“What’s your greatest fear?” — asks Anuk again.

“Girl, I have two not-so-favorite F words. It’s Fear and Forsaked. My first fear ever was a belief that I’ll be a disrespectful and ungrateful supervillain. Then, after a few shamanistic confessions, I realized I have a choice and decision to make. I’m not a bad person. Actions and errors I made make me think I am, and they were truly bad for an angel of love, normal for a human. Humans do stupid shit sometimes! Not words of love, but true. A path of honesty and realizing them, acknowledging them as something I do not wish to do anymore — changed how I see myself and made me stronger in aim to forgive myself. Then when I cleared that and concluded that I’m actually a good person who made mistakes, I started to fear hopeless situations I knew how to create with my overthinking mind.”

I waited for Anuk to answer and she reply with lyrics from Robbie Williams's song: “She wont forsake me, I’m loving angels instead!” Then, I heard her setting intention and game-play with angels with words:

“Oh my angels, can we celebrate life together without any reason?” — now my higher self knows something I’m not a quite aware jet, but we are team players and team lovers. Having angels and shamans in the team certainly uplifts my confidence we can play, tell lessons about, and to the Love as making good practical life joke angels, shamans, and Father will love. Let me entertain you as Robie would say.

“What’s the name of the game, my love?” — again, it’s lovely to have your own personal God. I love his voice.

“Following excitement in now on Earth, that’s what I’ll do today. Just like I’d follow a silver line on Heavens and on journeying, I’ll follow my golden line of inspiration now on Earth. I’m interested in what will change in the heavens if I do that.” — was my answer to my king and husband.

Abandonment issues. I never felt at home on Earth. Until now. I always felt forsaken. Forgot about and underestimated. In addition, I learn easy ways to be self-destructive. We, humans, have something in us that wants to destroy what we love the most.

And here goes Christ thinking he can play pranks on Christina. Although Father's commands were: no one gets to joke with me or prank me until they or myself realize what I really want. He disobeyed. Well, newsflash for you Christ: I as a human on Earth know something you as ascendant master obviously don't— Father is in charge! Capo de tutti Capo! How could he miss that? I do not get it, but I can make fun of him. Actually I feel sorry for him. No wonder he still thinks my favorite word is Fuck, it was his when he was on Earth taking in count how many brothels he visited. Well, he finally realized I’m chasing my excitement so he tried chasing his and magic backfired on him. He simply doesn’t know stuff I know. For example, there is a whole new angel city named Metatron where he never has been. Christ, clean up before your doorstep before you come judging me for my mistakes, choices, and decisions because we all know whom the heavens will choose and already did, only you do not get to know even that. You get to see how my legacy erases yours. That’s why I love courageous dreaming and shamans. You can do stuff!

Jet he still hopes that the heavens will choose both. Such a nice thought Crist, thing is I do not need you or your legacy. I made what and whom I need and he knows all about my legacy, poetry, and shy-shy stuff. So you as my partner — how it will ever work between shaman and Christian? Can you imagine that couple? “Honey, I’ll like to be a hummingbird?” — said the female sage, and he would be like: “Why hummingbird? Why not Dove? Why not be a good Christian girl and make me a sandwich, woman, who let you out of the kitchen?” or “Honey, I’m not afraid of death and I do not go to the church every Sunday.” and he would be like: “But death is final, there is nothing after death, you’ll go to hell!” My point is: too big a difference between points of view and comprehending life, so no thank you, Christ, Christina just dumped you!

So, my love's name of the game is “Christina is home, Christ is not” because I'm tired of him trying to ruin my fun and lessons. But, I can make this fun too. All I need is my confidence!

“Anuk, are we confident enough to finish what we started?”

“I’m confident you can do anything you set your beautiful mind to. There is an angel with you in the room. Can you tell which one?”

“Yeah. Brother by strength. Raguiel, angel God's Strenght. He was frightened for his job as Raziel was. Love is the most powerful strength in the world, Father thought me that. They also get to keep their jobs while helping me today to stay confident in chasing my excitement around”

“True fact girl, we got this game” — was Anuk's final answer.

