
Searching for Italy; The Show You Didn't Know You Needed to Watch

La Dolce Vita through the eyes of Stanley Tucci

Nonggol Darapati
In Sync


Image courtesy of : CNN

Italy, a country that many, including myself, considers to be the Holy Grail when it comes to fashion and food. The Italian sense of style is renowned. And their food, well, pasta is without a doubt one of the most beloved food in the world. This brings me to Searching for Italy, a new series from CNN and hosted by none other than Stanley Tucci (You may remember him in Devil wears Prada where he was indeed brilliant). There have been many (an abundant, in fact) shows focusing on Italy. Every year, a new take on Italy is presented, featuring places, foods or even customs, that was previously “unknown”. When I first came across Searching for Italy, I was sure it was going to be similar to other shows. Promising a “local” approach and gems that we just had to explore if we ever do visit Italy.

I couldn’t be more wrong. Yes, Searching for Italy is a gastronomical journey across Italy but it is so much more than that. What Stanley Tucci (and CNN) have managed to bring us was an entirely new perspective of Italy. This is due to the fact that Stanley himself is Italian on both side of his family and is fluent in Italian. His approach to Italy was a very relaxed and friendly one. You get a sense that you’re there with him on the best vacation of your life, learning not only about food, but it’s origin and history. Since this show was produced by CNN, they were able to seamlessly blend part documentary, part reality show combined with a Hollywood flare. The footage and montage that was shared was unparalleled. Not every show gets a birds eye view of nearly every region in Italy that is breathtaking.

Right from the first scene, Stanley’s deep and soothing voice had me hooked. Unlike other shows, which comes off as either being too touristy, too bland, or too showy, Searching for Italy has the right mix and balance to make you feel as if you have just sat through an hour of Italy 101. You get a sense of its people, their way of life, and why the Italian way of life is something that we should all strive to have a little bit more of in our daily lives.

In the beginning, we may have thought “Oh, ok, this looks good, I’ll watch it for the food segments, great footage and montage”. But as the show progresses, I couldn’t help but notice Stanley’s fashion and wardrobe. An Italian men’s sense of style is definitely one step above a metrosexual man. And one look at Stanley’s wardrobe in the beginning definitely solidifies that his sense of style is Italian in every sense of the world. It’s chique and understated, classy, and well thought out. It’s not flashy, you don’t see any brand names or logos on any of his clothing, but you can tell that they are extremely well made, of great quality and above all, tailored to perfection.

In today’s world where anything goes, people’s sense of dressing has often gone down the drain as well. With so many opting for comfort over style or presentation. So many people wear what’s on-trend or what is on sale without actually giving any thought of whether that outfit suits them or what it says about them. The Italians have a saying “Fare Bella Figura” (Putting on good figure). Stanley definitely put on good figure throughout the show and reminds us that life is so much better when we present our best selves to the world. By all means, this doesn’t mean we have to buy the most expensive items we can afford, it simply means, to dress as impeccably as you can. With great-fitting pants and a crisp shirts that are ironed to perfection. Throughout the show, he rotates a few classic pieces and pairing them differently whether it be a tailored pair of white pants with a blue shirt in one scene, and then using the same shirt with a different pair of pants in another scene. Understated elegance is always in style.

The show focuses on the many cuisines and food items that are the specialties of each Italian region. It features classics such as Pizzas, pastas and cheeses. What really caught my interest was the simplicity in all the food that was presented. No fancy truffle oil or plating, it was simple good food that we can all enjoy and experience even at the comforts of our own home.

As Stanley says in one of the scenes, “With ingredients this good, simplicity is key”. This really hit home for me. It has been a long time since anyone has put emphasis on a good foundation the way Italians do. Whether it be food or clothing, when you have good ingredients, good fabrics, simplicity really is the key. No need for garnishing, ruffles, and fancy accessories. When you have quality, it speaks for itself.

Image : Courtesy of CNN

In a world filled with frozen food, food deliveries, and bulk items, Searching for Italy reminds us to take a step back, breathe and enjoy life. A simple sandwich of bread with a few slices of Mortadella is really a feast in itself. Again, simplicity is key.

Today I see so many people are clamoring and fighting to be the next big name on Instagram and Youtube. But as we clearly see in Searching for Italy, there is a certain pride and joy in continuing family traditions. Whether it is cheese making or vinegar making which dates back to 1605, Searching for Italy is a great reminder that not everyone has to be Insta famous.

This reminded me of how my mother passed down to me her skills of dressmaking, which she learned as a teenager growing up in one of the islands in Indonesia. Until this day I still make my dresses from scratch, from pattern drafting, cutting, sewing, and finishing. My daughter has asked me several times to teach her how to make dresses and she too wants to make her own dresses someday. These family traditions are priceless. Living in a world where everything is available with a click of a button, it really is a joy to be able to see kindred spirits continuing family traditions and honing in on their crafts. To see how people are passionate about traditions and maintaining them, instead of just consuming and posting on social media. These skills are truly missed in today’s world. Searching for Italy reminds us of the good life, La Dolce Vita, and how in today’s chaotic world, a little touch of old school, goes a long way.

Searching for Italy is truly a feast for the senses. For the first time, in a long time, a show has uplifted my mood and made me passionate about life once again. It reminded me of beauty in the world, the kindness of people, and the joy of living. It transported me to a world that I would love to visit one day and experienced for myself. Stanley Tucci, with his style and savoir-faire, is a delight to watch. He’s your Italian best friend who always knows which wine to chose at a dinner party and he’s the guest that you’d proudly introduce to your friends as the worldly man who is impeccably dressed.

If you’re in need of some inspiration, feel-good moments, and something to uplift your spirits, then Searching for Italy is for you.

