Call for Submissions: Data Governance Regime in India- Roundtable and Workshop

Titiksha Vashist
The InTech Dispatch
2 min readFeb 11, 2021


The InTech Dispatch is inviting applications from policy professionals, lawyers and students to participate in a roundtable and workshop on The Data Governance Regime in India.

Data Protection and privacy is perhaps the key legislative and regulatory issue in technology policy in India today. India’s data ecosystem is rapidly changing with the final draft of the Personal Data Protection Bill to be tabled in the Parliament and a pertinent report on the Non-Personal Data framework. These are supplanted by policy documents that govern data sharing architectures and key infrastructural components of a digital economy. These policies include new terms, new legal entities, and new rights that will emerge in practice. Data governance is shaped by multiple government agencies and influenced by private players and civil society at present.

At the Intech Dispatch, our State of Play Project is inviting applications for a roundtable-cum-workshop to piece together a comprehensive picture of the data regime in India- its various policies, actors, and institutions.

In particular, we are interested in the following topics (indicative):
-Personal Data: The Personal Data Protection Bill and its implications
-Non-Personal Data: Report on Non-Personal Data Protection Framework
-Data- Sharing Architecture: DEPA and NODE
-Health Data: Health Data Management Policy
-Financial Data Governance
-New Proposed Institutions and Bodies under Data Policies (eg. DPA)
-New Data Entities (eg. Data Communities)
-Data Markets: Framework, regulatory challenges, and global models (Eg. EU Data Strategy)

Selected participants will be convened for a roundtable and workshop where they will get a chance to present on a specific topic and discuss it with other presenters. Participants will also have the opportunity to expand their presentations and contribute to a publication by the InTech Dispatch.

Deadline: 28th February, 2021. Send us 200-word concept notes on the topic you’re interested in. Apply here.

As an indicator, please take a look at our previous publication on India’s 5G Conundrum: The Technopolitics of 5G here:

About Us: The Intech Dispatch began as a fortnightly on technology policy and society in the Indian context. We have since grown into all things technology-policy: facilitating consultations, professional courses in Tech-Policy, and producing compendiums on core issues to make India’s technology policy accessible and encourage expert and citizen voices.

In case of comments, queries or tips, please reach out to We look forward to reading your ideas :)

