Nightmare On the Williamsburg Bridge

Good thing I pack tools!

William Mersey
In The Background


Photo by cottonbro:

The mandate arrived in my email box last night. In order to work on set Friday, I would need to Covid-test negative on Wednesday (today) at 8:45 AM. This is not an exception. It’s like that on all tv and movie sets nowadays. You have to test negative to work.

I have Covid-tested for all but one background part (it was a rap video not under SAG’s jurisdiction) in four of the five New York boros — and two in New Jersey. You never know, but generally, the test sites are located in Brooklyn or Queens — and in industrial areas that require I either take two subway rides and a bus trip or long walk — or alternatively ride my bicycle over a bridge to where I have to go.

The decision as to how to travel generally involves the length of time it will take. Google will tell you all that. And experience has taught me that traveling by bicycle is often quicker than public transportation. Being a DoorDasher and longtime New York City bike rider, biking doesn’t scare me. This morning’s ride went to a location on the border of Queens and Brooklyn, 4.7 miles from my apartment building. (I think Google is wrong about that. It’s farther.)

Humping the bridge is the part I don’t like. No bicyclist relishes long uphills. They take a lot of energy. So I’m just at the beginning of the…



William Mersey
In The Background

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."