Unincorporated Town Fight: Phelan vs. Oak Hills

Jacob Sundstrom
In the Dirt


Okay, so Serrano and Oak Hills don’t technically reside in cities, they reside in unincorporated parts of San Bernardino County. But even these sparse communities have census data and a few restaurants. Here’s a light-hearted look at the two locations-that-aren’t-cities as we prepare for the biggest game in High Desert history.

Please don’t take this too seriously. I promise that I didn’t.

Oak Hills; Serrano

Population (as of 2010 census): 8,879; 14,304
High School Opened: 2010; 1977
Best Restaurant (by Yelp rating): B&B Pizzeria; Mountain Top Cafe
Elevation: 3,779; 3,993
Most Famous Graduate: Marshaun Coprich; Jamaal Franklin
Number of Stoplights: 3; 1



Jacob Sundstrom
In the Dirt

High quality #sporps writing for the Victorville Daily Press. Worst DP tweeter by far. Do no harm. jsundstrom@vvdailypress.com