Announcing Fold

Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2014


We’ve been really excited by the response we’ve gotten to Coin for Coffee!

The last one is a personal favorite.

As much as we like buying gift cards, we love helping users spend their bitcoin. We’ve found that spending bitcoin on day-to-day expenses is really satisfying.

Today we’re announcing our latest effort to chase that feeling.

Fold is a native mobile payment app, and the successor to

With Fold, you can

  • Pay everyday merchants with bitcoin. At launch, you’ll be able to spend bitcoin at Target and Starbucks.
  • Save money. Fold will offer discounts and “bitcoin-back” rewards when you spend bitcoin at your favorite retailers.

Excited to try it? Good. We’ll be blogging about how to get into the beta program, but until then, sign up for the mailing list to learn more.


Co-founder, Card for Coin




Start spending bitcoin in the real world.