Early Access Update #1

Will Reeves
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2020

It’s been less than a week since we opened up Early Access to the Fold Card. It is incredible to build in the open and get real time feedback from our best users. I know you will keep it coming! I’m confident we’re going to craft an amazing Fold Card experience together.

In order to follow up on our end of the deal, we want to regularly update you on how our team is responding to your feedback.

After the first week, here are a few updates:
- We’re removing the 1% ACH withdrawal fee for premium users and reducing the Intro ACH withdrawal fee to 0.5%. You’ll also get rewards on every ACH out, once that feature is ready to launch!
- We’re adding in new ways to fund the card in app, including ACH funding and debit card funding. We’ll update you on our progress.
- We’re prioritizing security, which means we are fast-tracking 2FA, passcodes and other features.
- We’re going to refresh the wheel with new prizes regularly. There’s been lots of strong feedback and we want to continue to hear from your experiences using the card in the wild.
- We’re hoping to get confirmation that our Apple and Google Pay functionality can be rolled out to all users. The team is already using internally!

Here’s what we would like from you:
- Keep testing and let us know what you find!
- Remember the early access code of conduct. We are all in this together.
- Give us ideas for what kinds of prizes you want to see on the wheel. The wheel will change frequently. What do you want to win?
- We will be sending out a survey in a few weeks to get more detailed input. Please respond when that comes out.

