Improved Loads & Refunds

Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2015

It’s a great feeling to use Fold in line at Starbucks. You know that you’re getting a great deal, and you can explain to your friends / spouse / barista that you paid with bitcoin. It’s okay, you can be a little smug.

Sometimes, though, loading a barcode is delayed, or a refund from your last purchase takes a little too long. And it isn’t always clear whether you’ve logged in. No good.

We hear you! And we’ve made a few changes to speed things up. Today, when you load more bitcoin, instead of replacing the barcode — we’ll give you a new one.

You can keep different barcodes with different amounts.

And when you request a refund, only the barcode you’ve requested will be refunded. This has the benefit of being faster. It also increase the amount you can load on Fold — up to two $25 barcodes.

Behind the scenes, these changes also enable all sorts of third-party integrations. We’re looking forward to working with some of our favorite bitcoin companies.

Let us know what you think, and where you’d like to see Fold go from here. Comment on Reddit or chat with us on Twitter!

Originally published at on July 4, 2015.



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