The Why Behind the Women on Hudl’s Product Team

Christina Gibbons
In The Hudl
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2021

I’ve recently read a lot of articles about companies that are devoted to increasing diversity in the workplace. While this effort is commendable (Hudl is trying to do the same), I’m not sure we’re being vocal enough about how we retain that diversity.

According to McKinsey & Company’s Women in the Workplace 2021 Report, one in three women has considered downshifting in their career or leaving the workforce this year. Simply put, we need to do more to recognize women and their contributions, increase representation at leadership levels, and continue to push for equity.

In part I of this blog series, I highlighted the stories and backgrounds of just some of the women on our product team who are changing the narrative at Hudl. In doing so, I also wanted to better understand what keeps them at Hudl — so we can bring more of it into our day-to-day environment.

Hearing from and amplifying the voices of these women* is just a start.

When I was approached about applying at Hudl, I got a glimpse at the care their product team members applied to their job and to the customer’s experience.

Now after years of working at Hudl, I’ve seen that focus on the customer’s needs prove out as better decisions and problem-solving. The attention to understanding the customer problem continues to be a strong part of the culture and it’s what really speaks to me. — Kathy A., ScrumMaster

The part of Hudl that really speaks to me is the inclusivity. Right from the interview process, everyone I’ve met has been really supportive and makes it a point that individuals are valued and celebrated. — Manasi K. in Engineering

Hudl is a true startup when they talk about learning by making. Leadership creates a safe space for me to learn, take risks and make mistakes. As a Latina and a mom, I feel safe taking risks at Hudl and learning from my experiences. — Matina M. in Design

Trust — this is like an unspoken core value. My team trusts me to make technical decisions. My manager trusts me to tackle new challenges independently, and to ask for help when I need it. Team leadership trusts me when I express concerns, because they know I wouldn’t raise an issue if I didn’t think it was important. All this trust makes me want to always do my best and earn the trust I’m given. — Amanda C. in Engineering

The work-life balance is really something Hudl lives up to in their values and I genuinely appreciate that as an employee. I never feel bad about taking time off because I’m trusted to manage my work accordingly. The emphasis on prioritizing mental health here is another thing that makes Hudl genuinely exemplify that we’re a family.

Also, it’s the people I’ve had the chance to work with and get to know. I’ve been able to learn so much from my coworkers and there’s always a willingness to help from everyone. It really is such an encouraging environment to be able to grow professionally in. — Pearl X. in QA Engineering

I love the work-life balance I have here. People genuinely care about my happiness and family. It makes all the challenges of being a working parent manageable. — Julie K., ScrumMaster

Knowing that personal health really matters, I can feel the real interest in helping Hudlies improve and the importance of working in a happy environment. During team meetings, managers always listen to everyone’s thoughts and concerns in a really honest way. Also, I really enjoy collaborating with other squads — those moments represent important growth steps for me. — Bianca D. in Engineering

My first boss told me, “If you are at a company that doesn’t have strong female leaders you look up to and learn from, it’s time to leave.” I think of this often and it’s a huge reason why I’m still at Hudl. Hudl has an incredible group of leaders, not just female leaders, that I feel grateful to work with every day. I’ve particularly been impressed with how accessible leaders across the company are, even as we continue to grow. It’s very special to be surrounded by people that provide such great mentorship, but also leave space for you at the table. — Blaire T. in Product Management

*It should be noted that this is not a full representation of the women on our product team. There are many others who also shared their stories and sentiments, but whose responses have been edited for length.

