They Rely on Your Insecurity

How to avoid the allure of grifters

Nicole Tru•lo
In The Light


Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels, edited by moi !

I have your problems and solutions.

In every corner of the internet there seems to be a community lead by a individual, with a common cause or goal for their followers.

The individual or “thought leader” connects to their audience through an aspect of their identity, this is usually (but not limited to):

  • Nationality
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Political leaning
  • Generation

Or an amalgamation of all five, plus other categories.

So What is a ‘Grifter’?

A person who is fraudulent and untrustworthy, who can usually swindle others out of their money, however in this case it is your time, which advertisements reward them with money for.

Internet grifting has taken off in the form of so called political commentators, influencers and pre-existing tv/media personalities who wish to use their platform to capitalise on this lucrative business, by consciously or unconsciously forming a para-social relationship with their viewers, fans/ cash cows, by maintaining an illusion of relatability or closeness.

You Probably are being Grifted Right Now

I implore you to take a look through the multiple social media platforms in which you subscribe, or follow someone who ‘just gets it (you)’, think about what it is about them you can relate to and how they benefit from the message they are spreading.

Why Would Someone do Something they don’t Like?

A relevant tangent. Usually, in order to convey genuinity the personality/ gifter will constantly remind their audience that it is difficult to maintain their presence or message as they have many naysayers, the platform itself hates them or the world is against their message, nobody wants them to tell you their message and so on and so forth. Yet, the reality is despite the backlash whether real or fake, the monetary, ego boost, or a combination of both fuels their work. It is not about the audience.

Two Wings of The Same Bird

Whether left or right leaning, anti- or pro, the result is the same with little value to the consumer.


Do you think that anyone can represent your views better than you ?

Are you living vicariously through someone you do not know ?

What exactly has changed in your life significantly since ?



Nicole Tru•lo
In The Light

Professional dreamer, Student & Amateur Philosopher. I share my thoughts on self empowerment, love and give the occasional social commentary.