Museum: The House of Muses

Kriston Enrico Villas
In the midst of art
6 min readFeb 8, 2016


A museum is a place or location in which you can find countless collection of artworks, artifacts, and other works or objects that people find pleasurable, aesthetic, historical and cultural. These are vast quantities of artworks that had been treasured and preserved throughout the years and some of them are recent and some are distant in the past. These works and artifacts are so important to its state because they tell the story or the past of that particular place and how it came to be and these works and artifacts are like the identity of that place and without it, the future individuals of that place will have no clue or idea of their state or nations identity and how it came to be.

National Museum of the Philippines
Outside the National Museum of the Philippines

My visit to the National Museum of the Philippines was great and I got the chance to see ancient artifacts and artworks from my home state that were only limited to that area and at the same time, I was able to gain something new with the help of these ancient artifacts and their historical backgrounds. From my visit I was able to see numerous works that were so appealing and that were so beautiful to me and I was able to capture some of them with the help of my camera and for me to be able to share some of my favorites with you guys.

The Berlin Wall

Part of the Berlin Wall
Part of the Berlin Wall
Part of the Berlin Wall
Part of the Berlin Wall

The barrier that divided East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989. The Berlin Wall at that time symbolizes the conflict between the socialist and democratic nations. Today it is an iconic symbol of a divided Europe and the Cold War and it was demolished in November 1989 and thus reunifying Germany as state. This was given to the Philippines by Germany in December 3, 2014 as a gift, as part of the global initiative to remember its importance. When I first saw the Berlin Wall the only thing that comes into my mind was President Ronald Reagan and his speech at Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin, Germany on 1987 and there he quoted “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall”.

The Manunggul Jar

The Manunggul Jar

The Manunggul Jar is a burial jar in the Neolithic Period. This jar was located in the Manunggul cave of Tabon at Lipuun Point, Palawan. The two individual on top represents the spirit of the recently deceased whose corpse is inside the jar(the one in the front) and the other one delivering the spirit to the afterlife(the one at the back).



The Alibata or Baybayin is an ancient Filipino script that is believed to have originated from the Javanese old kawi script. Baybayin is the proper term for this ancient script. It was believed to have been used in the 14th century up to the late 19th century and after that the spaniards came to the Philippines to start colonizing the Philippines and here they introduced the modern roman alphabet.


by Guillermo E. Tolentino


A Diwata is a form of a fairy in Philippine Mythology. This artwork by Guillermo Tolentino may not be as iconic or famous as the Spoliarium but its still a great piece.

A Tragic Lesson (The Fall of Bataan)

by Gene Cabrera

A Tragic Lesson (The Fall of Bataan)

For me I think this artwork represents the pain and suffering of the people of Bataan during World War II and that this piece symbolizes death.

Sabbath of the Witches

by Jaime De Guzman

Sabbath of the Witches

Artist’s Table

by Jaime De Guzman

Artist’s Table

I don’t know what to say about Jaime De Guzman’s artworks, they just seem to appeal to me and I think that his works (these two in particular) are great.

Painted Window of Christ the King

by Cesar Amorsolo

Painted Window of Christ the King
Painted Window of Christ the King
Archangel Raphael and Gabriel

This is a classical Christian representation of Christ the King and the two archangel Raphael and Gabriel by His side. This work shows Christ the King giving the sign of blessed welcome into His heavenly kingdom.

Commonwealth Era

Model for the Commonwealth Triumphal Arch by Guillermo E. Tolentino
Model for the Commonwealth Triumphal Arch by Guillermo E. Tolentino
Statue of Don Quintin Paredes as Speaker of the House by Guillermo E. Tolentino

Model for the Commonwealth Triumphal Arch was supposed to be one of the iconic monuments in Manila similar to the Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile in Paris, France but the project was never continued. It was suppose to commemorate the years of Filipinos lobbying for the independence of the Philippines to be recognized.


by Juan Luna


This is the iconic piece made by the Filipino artist Juan Luna in the year 1884 is one of the most famous and well known painting in the Philippines. Juan Luna spent eight months to finish this masterpiece and it won a gold medal in the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1884 in Madrid. The painting shows fallen gladiators being dragged and dumped to the basement of the Roman Colosseum.


