New Year’s Resolutions from nerds at Greenhouse

Willa Wang
In the weeds
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018

A quick Instagram search reveals that there are more than 800k posts with the hashtag #newyearnewme. It’s great that so many people honor the tradition and set a expectation for the new year, but as human beings, we have the tendency to be optimistic and be greedy about the goal. So it’s probably not a bad idea to give the new year resolution some thoughts before commit to it. At Greenhouse, we invited various members from different teams to share their resolutions with the hopes to inspire others in both the tech and non-tech world

“My resolution is to do more to spread the word about Greenhouse’s outstanding engineering team and culture” — Mike Boufford, VP of Engineering

“I resolve to come to work early a few times a week and read about programming.” — David Han, Product Engineer

“I resolve to actively leaving the codebase a better place than I found it.” — Willa Wang, Product Engineer

“Every quarter, do a professional skills inventory (reflect and list very explicitly on what I already know, what I am learning/growing, and what I need/want to learn).” — Lucia Hoang, QA engineer

“Take active part in more face-to-face activities around coding, such as attending meetups, leading a lunch and learn, and spending some of that learning budget on going to a conference.” — Adam Barcan, Product Engineer

“I want to pair with my team members more because as a manager, I want to help coach more directly so that the team can grow.”— Tim Johnson, Tech Lead and Engineer Manager

“I will find a way to get a bitcoin miner into Greenhouse without the security engineers noticing.” — Gordon Zheng, Solution Engineer

“My New Year’s Resolution is be more self-sufficient when it comes to trying new things. I think a lot of discovery happens when you’re figuring it all out, and ignoring this step might get the job done faster but not necessarily better — and you might just be cheating yourself out of an awesome (and perhaps ever so slightly painful) learning experience!” — Meredith Kiung, Front end Engineer

“My only resolution is to help as many teams as possible with my words.” — Tom Win, Technical Writer

“I want to get better at articulating the things I don’t understand. The more succinctly I can explain to people why I am confused, the faster I can get help and learn things.” — Diana Liu, Senior Operation Engineer

Of course, as nerdy as we are, some of us have a higher resolution.

“My new year’s resolution is 4K, just like my new TV.” — Chris Hazen, Product Engineer

So keep practicing, keep coding, make more bugs, fix them, learn from them, and stay healthy. At Greenhouse, we are ready to make the product better and stronger in 2018. Do you have a New Year’s resolution you want to share? Please tweet us at @greenhouse

