Blog Your Own Book: BYOB

The Introduction to My BYOB

Day 2: Writing Your BYOB Book Introduction

Rose CG
The Grape Picker’s Daughter
3 min readAug 7, 2022


Image of the working book cover to my book: A book of Poetry: The Grape Picker’s Daughter.
By Rose CG

On day 1, I shared my BYOB Project Framework in the Daily Cuppa. I used 6 basic questions to draft the components of my BYOB introduction. The same questions I used as a teacher:

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. Why?
  6. How?

Why write an introduction?
The framework helped me lay the foundation for an introduction to my poetry book. However, some writers prefer to develop the introduction later.

With the framework in hand, I drafted the introduction to my BYOB. In taking the time to write the introduction first, I narrowed my premise for my BYOB. It also gave me a vehicle to share some background about myself.

My Introduction (Draft: 0.1)

A Poetry Book: The Grape Picker’s Daughter shares a journey of my heart through a variety of poetic forms, from haiku to longer pieces of memoir.

When I was a young girl, I worked in the grape fields of California’s San Joaquin Valley. This edition shares my tale as I reflect on life, love, and family as I move into adulthood. I…



Rose CG
The Grape Picker’s Daughter

Rose C. G. is a poet, artist, storyteller, teacher and dreamer. Work is © Rose CG. (My posts may contain affiliate links, I may earn a commission.)