Team whiteboard sketching

Build Things With Meaning

What I value as a product designer

Ross Popoff-Walker
This I Believe
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2013


I believe crafting a balance between useful, usable, and beautiful results in great products. First to market, or great execution, is not enough. You have to create something meaningful.

People are not a set of eyeballs, a data-chart, or a “monthly active” anything. Users are people, guests of the experiences we create, and the worlds we build. Building a framework for meaningful interactions while bringing utility and value into peoples lives what matters most.

Design is much more than just pretty pixels; it is interdisciplinary stewardship. Great design is about working well together, about communicating effectively with developers, customers, and people with different views. Design is about mutual respect, and the sense of camaraderie you can only feel when you succeed or fail by the shared passion of your team.

