How Should a Sound Investment Feel like Before the Price Takes off?

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Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2018

ICOs, Cryptocurrency investment and our future. It seems like another article that will read a familiar premise: why your money should go here and if it does, why it labels you an investor with smarts. Somewhere along the pitch comes the promise of untold profits, a razzle-dazzle of technical terms, then you have a recipe for the next great investment. You’ve got to admit that to a certain degree, we are here for that promise. That ever elusive moon Lambo.

What you don’t see every day is an honest take on what someone like you, a dreamer in this cryptoworld ever searching for that piece of project, that “diamond in the rough” so to speak, that either changes the game or will revolutionise our very existence. Regardless of what drives us, there might be something here for each of us towards an end goal.

Hope, betterment, happiness and security in a sustainable future

As everyone knows, the solidity of any investment lies in the nature of it’s true value. I believe this encompasses all. Whether in the form of rare earth minerals or utility that propels us into a safer and more efficient way or process, within a broad or specific market, forever reassuring us a better quality of life. The psyche of a true investor seeks worth in an asset beyond speculative value. That if magnified, carries with it hope, betterment, happiness and security in a sustainable future.

Please understand that this is in no way, shape or form an investment advise but rather a sharing of a curious point of view. For those vigilant on the technical aspect, as any investor should be, there is the white paper that should suffice but is also limited to solely the technology and then, there is this — a view that touches on the developers’ dream. A glimpse of how thought is materialised and thus, the fruition of the purpose-driven creative. And luckily by circumstance, I have had a view from either side of this ecosystem.

We change the world when we change ourselves

Back in 2010, I recalled a conversation I had with my colleagues, we were discussing an after market modification on an automated system. I remember one of my superiors who I look up to as a mentor said,

“A guide in innovations like this is to go by the idea: we don’t work for the machinery, the machine is there for that purpose and it should do that for us.”

Funny, this line has served as “mantra” to me which has guided me on endeavours relevant to improvement works, modification and innovation. A somewhat familiar structure one will find in any and all successful technologies, past and present. But when strides have been achieved through integrity and diligence in the highly competitive field of innovation, the application is left to play a major role because herein lies the relevance of any given technology.

  • An amputee soldier who more than happily served his country restored of what he has lost
  • A loved one who has suffered an unfortunate accident gets another chance at a life lived fully
  • Someone born with disability gets to experience what we usually take for granted

But to what seems as a technological campaign driven to champion disability and removing boundaries of accepted impossibilities, this taps into a deeper level of humanity that satisfies man more than science. It delves into our inclination to care. That an ounce of joy we see in a loved one brings immense happiness to us. For we change the world when we change ourselves.

But many of you may ask, “what about the investor in me?” What makes an investment different and more lucrative from all others? If I’m honest, those are questions whose answer I cannot provide as we all know that the price of an asset is ultimately determined by its adoption. But maybe we’re asking the wrong questions here.

Maybe the right question is, how should a sound investment feel like before the price takes off? What is the psychological make-up of it?

Fast forward to this day as many of you here can attest, that the king of cryptos had shown us the potential of a life-changing investment, at least for those who got in relatively early. But it has also reared its ugly head, shown us the other side of investing that nobody wants to be caught in.

Elements critical beyond speculative value

The debilitating stress is proportional only to the position size but what is it that causes all this fear and uncertainty? I can almost guarantee that it is the same reason for the king’s meteoric rise, and that it is not because of the revolution it was purposed for but rather the mass influx of new investors that takes any asset beyond the intrinsic into astonishing heights of pure speculative value. That when the parabolic market moves against these investors, it causes hysteria and panic.

Inevitably, an investors’ sanity depends on the diligence applied in the research with strict adherence to financial discipline. A practice of “Caveat Emptor” will always prove essential. But what are the criteria for a solid investment?

What are the identifiable elements of such that prove critical if not paramount beyond speculative value?

Is it the decentralised Crypto payment system for a currency that is treated as an asset due to its potential return? Or the storage space you rent out but finding you are having the need for it yourself. Is it the hypocrisy of a cryptocurrency in a centralized blockchain? Or the facial recognition and security based technology despite the presence of privacy coins?

Sifting through all available technology, how many out there passes a somewhat less than stringent criteria?

  • One that will take us into the future and prioritise development and advancement in every aspect of each relevant field such as medicine, transportation, industrial, communication, security, computers, robotics, smart home appliances, transportation, neurocontrolled exoskeleton and prosthetics, the list goes on.
  • One that has daily application in every level and for all walks of life which can only be built upon going forward that will surely thrive beyond the scare of a Crypto boom and bust.

Please understand that this is not an attempt to discredit other technologies out there but rather to find one that will surely keep an investors’ sanity through extreme volatility but more importantly one that has real world importance. I may have found one in NEUROGRESS.


Neurogress team develops a decentralized platform of neural control systems, based on the AI driven software and user-driven algorithm training. They are going to make the control of electronics, software and hardware as easy and natural as never before. Their mission is to build a smart environment based on neurocontrol, that will support different types of neurointerfaces and that is capable of being integrated into different kinds of products.

A system viable into the coming generations is a blanket of security in ours. Neurogress is the progression that will shape our future.



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Digital bar-room Raconteur and agreeable contrarian. A story exists beyond the limits of time and information; carrying the magnificent LOLs of immortality.