Take the Long Route. 

you won’t regret it

Navid Shahram
3 min readDec 7, 2013

It’s human nature to find the easy way out. We’re always looking for shortcuts. Whether it’s for working out, going to school, building a business or anything really worth doing or achieving. We tend to dismiss the work and instead glamorize the thought of achievement. Everyone wants to get to the top without putting in the work. We’ve all been guilty of that one way or another. It’s only when we begin to properly allocate a good chunk of our time to certain goals is when we begin to realize how much time and energy it really takes.

I’ll try to explain this through a personal example. I do a lot of design work. It took me about a couple months to get comfortable with Photoshop when I first started out. A couple years passed and I really began making work that I could say I was beginning to be proud of. I used to look at beautifully crafted projects on Behance and think “I could easily do that”.

It wasn't until I spent several years working on my skill set until I realized the great artists are the ones who make their work look simple. That train of thought led me to somewhat of an epiphany:

Sure, anybody can learn fundamentals and apply them. But how does one differentiate a person who has a strong foundation versus someone who has dedicated hours of their time to perfect a given skill? The answer, at least to me, is finesse. It’s all in the details. That’s where the difference lies. The individuals who have learned to go above and beyond to master certain skills are the ones who can perfect the intricate details of their work. It’s the subtleties that brings it all together. Everyone else is just doing the bare minimum. Yes, this may sound obvious, but it wasn't until I dedicated a large portion of my time into growing a company, until I truly began noticing the difference between the people who get it and the people who don’t. The “doers” from the “wanters”. The real from the fake. Authenticity is a rare trait in today’s world.

I salute the few who go through the blood, sweat and tears to get to where they want to be. I’m in the middle of the process myself. Looking back, I couldn’t be happier with my decision of taking the hard route. The amount I have learnt and the person it has made me is simply beyond words.

There are no shortcuts, no easy path when it comes to creating something you or others can be proud of. It’s going to be difficult every step of the way. That’s why many people don’t do it. It’s a cliché for a reason. You need to take the hard route if you want to accomplish anything truly worth mentioning. There is no half-hassing it. Just look back at your previous achievements. The ones you are proud of. Seriously, think about it for a few seconds. The time, effort and energy you put into them. That’s what I’m talking about.

It’s tough, it’s exhausting and even painful at times. But so, so worth it.

Let’s connect @navshahram

Thank you Reza for the picture inspiration.



Navid Shahram

Curiosity is what drives me. Food, design and people are what I live for. @navshahram