This one little tweak removed the stress from my work days.

In with the new.
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2015


I’ve always been a self-development nut. Even before I studied Psychology and watched The Secret. Wayyy before “life hacking”.

My main goal has always been improving what I can in my daily habits.

In a world where productivity is dwindling, the Internet is more distracting than ever, and people are just hungry for efficient ways to unplug and… stay human, we are all desperate for some magic solutions. We’d pay for it!

What I’m going to suggest is no magic. It’s a shift in focus. And it’s free.

Go from Today to Tomorrow

We all have our to-do lists and productivity tools. Some of us have lists of things to do today, tomorrow, next week…

But here’s what I want you to do:

Pick up tomorrow’s task and do it today.

That way, you won’t end up in this situation:

I know you’re tempted to do everything in the last minute, but this brings so much drama and stress, which are eating your productivity. Instead, write the article you have to publish tomorrow, get your newsletter ready and scheduled, start preparing for that client talk in 2 days… and so on.

So far it’s paying off (been using it for several weeks; remember, it takes about 21 days for a habit to stick): no stress, no fear, and no kicking myself if I’m slightly late or too exhausted for the next task.

What about you? What’s your secret formula for stress relief?

P.S. I love you. :D



In with the new.

Multipassionate coach for creative rebels, who are tired of following everyone else's rules and want to kick ass in their own way.