What would you do if… JUST F*CKING DO IT ALREADY!

In with the new.
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2016

You know, I rarely curse… or rant.. but…

I’ve been seeing a lot of “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” or “What would you do if you knew everything would be all right?” messages on social media, and I know it’s a coaching exercise and some people even do it as a joke. And my answer is always the same:

What I’m doing right now.


Why would knowing everything would be all right or that I can’t fail make me want to do something? In fact, it’s going to do the opposite. If I can’t fail, I won’t learn and if I had any guarantees, I would get bored quickly.

Why do people do this?!

Why would anyone put their dreams on hold until they had any guarantees at all? There are no guarantees in life. Why do people wait for “the right time” and plan for the future when life just keeps throwing you curveballs?

“Life is what happens while you’re busy making plans.”

OK, maybe you have a family. You’ve got responsibilities. You’ve got a full-time job and fears that could fill a house. But everyone’s like that. Every successful person EVER started where you are, and yet, they did it.

They took a step, made mistakes, failed a bunch of times, and kept going. They knew the price, and they paid it, willingly.

Some of them had kids, some of them went homeless, and some didn’t even have money for food, and yet, they BELIEVED they could be where they are today. They believed that getting there would be worth the price.

And if they had responsibilities, well, they took care of those responsibilities, and then chased their dreams in their free time.

Let me ask you something: What do you do in your free time?

Do you play games, watch movies, go to fancy parties? Are you saving your money for fancy clothes and your free time for relaxing dinners? I’m sorry, but in that case, you’ll never be successful, not in a big way.

Success and fulfillment come at a BIG price, especially for ambitious people like us. It doesn’t happen overnight and it takes so much sacrifice and so much work that you’re probably doing the right thing by giving up…

If you can’t handle the work or the sacrifice, you shouldn’t be allowed to reach your dreams. And if you can’t “let your faith be bigger than your fears”, you won’t even get to second base with your dreams.

You know, I’m not even angry right now! I’m perplexed.

Just look around you.

What do you see? You have a computer (many developing countries still don’t allow this luxury), a roof over your head (let’s be grateful), and all the materials you need to get ANYTHING done. For God’s sake, you probably have the INTERNET. What more do you need?!

I never dared believe I could “make it” in Bulgaria. It’s a developing country and there are not many opportunities here. But once I got online, I KNEW anything was possible. It’s just the way it is for our generation.

Now I’m proving it every day, and so should you. I’m doing what I would be doing if I had any lofty guarantees, except I don’t have ‘em.

You should get on that computer and find the opportunities you want. You should CREATE some along the way and most importantly, CHOOSE YOURSELF. (Like James Altucher says.)

Nobody’s going to give you a life of dreams. You’ll have to create it.

Out of sheer will, stubbornness, and patience.

Good luck.

I love writing, but I usually do most of it on my blog. See ya there! :)

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In with the new.

Multipassionate coach for creative rebels, who are tired of following everyone else's rules and want to kick ass in their own way. http://violetanedkova.com