I live by the art of Hygge; and I think you should, too.

Katherine Sorensen
Books & Kind Things
2 min readJul 12, 2018
Popular books on Hygge


[Hoo-ga] / Noun

A Danish word for a quality of coziness (= feeling warm, comfortable, and safe) that comes from doing simple things such as lighting candles, baking, or spending time at home with your family.

My last name (Sorensen) is Danish, and all my life I grew up wishing to one day visit Copenhagen, Denmark to explore the country of some of my ancestors. Back in May of 2017, I was fortunate enough to do just that. Now, I didn’t have many expectations for Denmark. Up until recently, it wasn’t a commonly talked about tourist destination. However, when I got there, I instantly felt comfortable.

Downtown Copenhagen. Isn’t she beautiful?!

Denmark is such a beautiful country, full of kind people. I adored every second of my stay. However, what really drew me in was their way of living: hygge. (Get ready to meet your new BFF)

Hygge is the cozy feeling you get when you’re wrapped up in a blanket reading a good book, grabbing a drink with a friend, or taking a walk somewhere beautiful. It is all about self-care, good relationships, and good food.

Some of the most simple ways you practice Hygge include: eating pastries, lighting candles, spending time with friends, dressing comfortably, being grateful, and taking time for yourself (whether that’s reading a good book, taking a bath, or hitting the gym.)

Ever since I read “The Little Book of Hyyge,” (published by Harper Collins and can be purchased here), my mindset, and the way I live my day-to-day life has changed and improved drastically— for the better! Even by simply educating myself and reading this book on Hygge, I felt a new sense of calm. The book is by Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. This man is incredibly fabulous, and I insist you check out his TED Talk.

I mean, seriously…I trust a country that employs people purely to research the happiness of the human race; and not only that, but takes the time to do so!

All I’m saying is, if it’s good enough for Vogue to preach, it’s good enough for me.

Stay happy, stay healthy, and let a little Danish into your life. 😉



Katherine Sorensen
Books & Kind Things

Katherine is a graduate of Arizona State University who holds a Bachelor of the Arts in English Literature. She is lover of books and preaching self-care. 🌱