Tracey Pharoah
In Your Own Words
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2020


Smokescreen by South African artist, Peter Pharoah

It could have been me…


How can Covid-19 aka Corona Virus create a world where we are willing to give up everything about our way of life? Our freedom to go for a walk. To make plans for travel to exotic destinations and experience different cultures and lifestyles. To swim in the ocean. To spend time in nature. To plant seeds, grow food. To shop for things we need. To choose whether to inject chemicals into our bodies. To earn a living and provide meaningful employment for others. To share our unique skills and talents. To celebrate being human with friends and loved ones.


Question everything…
How is it possible to convince someone that you’re not BAT-SHIT crazy?
You don’t …
You have to show them the truth in a way that is impossible to ignore.

How do you do this?
… By making it personal

What about EGO?

If ‘they’ agree with you publicly then they risk being considered a crack pot too.

Tell ‘them’ anyway…

Us versus ‘Them’
Who are ‘They’?

Rich, poor, black, white, male, female and Everything in-between. Entrepreneurs, office workers, coal-miners, beauticians, hairdressers. Cleaners, shop assistants, sales people, store owners. Comedians, creatives, accountants, teachers… politicians. Healthcare workers, homeopaths, nutritionists. Writers, musicians, artists. Bankers, investors.
Conspiracy theorists.



Spread the word.

Change thinking by offering a different point of view. Even if ‘They’ don’t comment or share, at least you got ‘Them’ to think from a different perspective.


Ask… Demand Answers.

So much easier to boil your milk than get healthy.

So much easier to take a pill than get healthy.

Diminished Responsibility …

Just create a vaccine so that I can get a jab and go back to business as usual.

What about the Poor?

Let’s save them so that they can continue to live in poverty.

Let’s save them so that they can continue to live in squalor.

Let’s save them so that we can continue to watch their children
die of starvation.

Philanthropy makes us feel better about ourselves

In ancient Greece, philanthropy strengthened bonds within communities. Wealthy philanthropists became symbols of solidarity and compassion. Rich men undertaking or financing good deeds to engender goodwill among the ‘less fortunate’…

Voluntarily? Or Peer Pressure?

Funding the construction of:
* Temples
* Walls
* Schools
* Hospitals

For more than 2500 years, prominent citizens have held a bidding contest with one another to beat their chests and flaunt their prosperity.

Their superiority?

Their Benevolence.

Their Generosity…

Their Humanitarianism…

Is personal vanity a primary motivation for donors?
What of the risk of being ostracized by peers and global citizens if they
failed to share their wealth and largesse with the world?


Who wins?

#coronavirus #politics #society #health #economy



Tracey Pharoah
In Your Own Words

I think I am a thinker… Sometimes it’s words, sometimes it’s pictures, sometimes it’s something far less tangible…