Powering the Future Grid: Transforming Substation Automation with Next-Generation Protocols

Erman Terciyanlı
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2023

How evolving technology and market demands are shaping the next generation of communication protocols in the power industry?

In today’s rapidly evolving energy landscape, industrial automation protocols play a crucial role in streamlining the control and management of electricity distribution systems. As we transition towards a decentralized and decarbonized grid, the role of communication protocols in supervising, monitoring, and controlling distributed energy resources (DERs) and electricity distribution SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems is more critical than ever. This article explores the future of industrial automation protocols in these areas, discussing the emerging trends, challenges, and the potential for next-generation solutions.

Evolution of Industrial Automation Protocols

Over the years, we have seen a variety of industrial automation protocols emerge in the power industry. Early protocols such as Modbus, DNP3, and IEC 60870–5–104 have served as reliable workhorses for utility communication, enabling seamless integration of devices, substations, and control centers. These protocols have undergone continuous improvements and adaptations to accommodate the changing needs of the industry.

Current Challenges and Market Demands

As the energy sector embraces renewable sources, DERs, and microgrids, the complexity of power distribution management and grid stability has increased. The integration of multiple DERs into SCADA systems creates the need for advanced protocols that can facilitate real-time, secure, and reliable communication across a highly dynamic energy landscape. Moreover, increased cybersecurity threats and stringent regulatory requirements demand robust and secure protocols that can prevent unauthorized access and ensure data privacy.

Emerging Trends in Industrial Automation Protocols

The future of industrial automation protocols is heavily influenced by the evolving technology landscape and market demands. Key trends shaping this future include:

  • Interoperability: As the number of DERs and devices increases, there is a growing need for standardized communication protocols that ensure seamless data exchange across multiple platforms and vendors.
  • Cybersecurity: Modern protocols must incorporate advanced security mechanisms to protect against cyber threats and ensure the integrity of the energy grid.
  • Data-driven insights: As data becomes more critical to grid management, the next generation of protocols should support advanced data analytics and real-time decision-making capabilities.

Next-generation Protocols: IEC 61850, IEEE 2030.5, and Beyond

Two prominent examples of next-generation protocols are IEC 61850 and IEEE 2030.5, which address various challenges and future requirements in electricity distribution SCADA systems and DER integration.

IEC 61850 has been specifically designed for electrical substation automation, focusing on interoperability, cybersecurity, and data-driven insights. With its object-oriented data model and Ethernet-based communication, IEC 61850 is well-suited to accommodate the future needs of the electricity distribution industry.

On the other hand, IEEE 2030.5, also known as the Smart Energy Profile 2.0, is designed to facilitate communication between DERs, grid operators, and smart home devices. This protocol enables seamless integration and coordination of DERs and demand response programs, supporting the decentralized nature of modern energy grids. Moreover, IEEE 2030.5 also addresses cybersecurity concerns by incorporating robust security mechanisms, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in the energy sector.

While both IEC 61850 and IEEE 2030.5 represent significant advancements in industrial automation protocols, continuous research and development efforts are needed to further refine and optimize these solutions to meet the evolving industry requirements.

The Role of Lightweight Protocols: CoAP, MQTT, and AMQP in Substation Automation

In the quest for efficient, secure, and scalable communication, the adoption of lightweight protocols such as the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), and Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is gaining momentum in various industrial automation applications, including substation automation.

CoAP is a web transfer protocol designed specifically for constrained nodes and networks, such as those found in IoT applications. Its simple architecture, low overhead, and support for asynchronous communication make CoAP particularly suitable for automation, where reliable and real-time communication is critical.

MQTT, on the other hand, is a publish-subscribe messaging protocol designed for lightweight M2M communication. Its low bandwidth requirements, efficient data transfer capabilities, and support for Quality of Service (QoS) levels make it an attractive choice for managing communication between substations and control centers, as well as integrating DERs in smart grid environments.

AMQP is an open standard for messaging middleware, designed for interoperability and high-performance messaging in distributed systems. AMQP offers secure communication, message delivery guarantees, scalability, and interoperability, making it another viable option for automation.

Both CoAP, MQTT, and AMQP offer advantages in terms of scalability, energy efficiency, and ease of integration with other systems. These lightweight protocols can complement or even serve as alternatives to traditional industrial automation protocols in specific use cases, particularly when dealing with large-scale, data-intensive, and distributed systems.


The future of industrial automation protocols in electricity distribution SCADA and distributed energy resources is bound to be shaped by the evolving technology landscape and market demands. As the energy sector faces new challenges in managing decentralized and increasingly complex grids, the need for secure, interoperable, and data-driven communication protocols will only continue to grow. By focusing on these trends and embracing next-generation solutions, we can ensure a robust, efficient, and resilient grid that is ready to tackle the energy challenges of the 21st century.

