Bringing Serenity to Life

A concept note for a roundtable discussion on the upcoming Etheruem upgrade

Inblox Events
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2020


Ethereum’s history has been that of continuous and consistent improvements and upgrades to the core protocol. After February 2019’s Constantinople upgrade and the Istanbul hard fork in late 2019, the Ethereum community is now approaching Serenity, the eventual and final iteration in Ethereum’s evolution. This will signal the movement from POW to POS.

Now here is the downside of the current state of affairs on Etheruem. As per current statistics on the State of the Dapps, there are a total of 2821 Dapps on Ethereum and only 29.02K daily active users — this is a dismal number of only 10 users per Dapp!

These numbers call for introspection and give rise to the hope that probably this much-awaited upgrade will solve a lot of issues in the current systems and help raise the state of the Dapps.

Some areas we believe require answers are:

  • Will really go live this time?
  • What are the current issues of Ethereum?
  • Will this be a completely new chain?
  • What changes does Eth2.0 bring to the table?
  • What problems did it address from the previous version?
  • There are still 2 steps to overcome — the beacon chain and then sharding — are we going to see seamless upgrades?
  • What problems can we foresee during this upgrade?
  • Could Ether mining be in danger of centralization and monopolization by a validators’ network?
  • How will Eth 2.0 address speed and usability?
  • Will it help in the proliferation of apps and increase adoption, usage, and retention numbers?
  • What should one prepare for the coming ETH 2.0 upgrade as a Dapps developer?
  • Will staking rewards onboard large institutions?
  • Could it be the driving force behind the largest economic growth in society?

If and when the predictable wait for Eth2.0 gets over, we are hoping to see a paradigm shift in the way the Ethereum world will look. This discussion took a deep dive into the new realm of Serenity, discuss ongoing and future issues, and find solutions and answers to our questions and many more.

The Roundtable Knights

  1. Pavel Bains, CEO, Bluzelle
  2. Jaynti Kanani, Co-Founder & CEO, Matic Network
  3. Christopher Shen, Founder, Portal.Network & Mr. Block
  4. Apoorv Shankar, CEO,
  5. Daniel Saito, Managing Director, RedRobot K.K.

Our Guests

Pavel Bains

Pavel is the CEO of Bluzelle, a decentralized database that solves the security, integrity, reliability issues facing data management.

He is often found speaking on panels and conferences about where digital media, finance, and technology are heading. Pavel also is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Venture Beat, Forbes, and The Huffington Post.

Christopher Shen

Chris is an entrepreneur, blockchain enthusiast, futurist, designer, and investor in technologies.

He is the Founder of Portal Networks, which builds decentralized BNS (Blockchain Name Service) and enhancement on multiple blockchain platforms.

Daniel Saito

Daniel is the MD of RedRobot K.K, a boutique agency that addresses both, technology as well as creative interests alike on a global scale. They are currently working with multiple foreign clients on projects developed in whole or in part internally within the organization.

They specialize in working with technology startups entering the APAC markets.

Jaynti Kanani

Jaynti is the CEO Co-Founder of the much acclaimed and successful protocol from India called Matic Network.

In his earlier avatar, he was a full-stack developer and blockchain engineer; he was also a contributor to Web3, Plasma, WalletConnect, and was previously data scientist at

Apoorv Shankar

Apoorv is the CEO of and is working on multiple projects on blockchain under the Inblox Network umbrella. Currently focussing on HandleName Services and Blockchain Wallets Apoorv is putting design, technology, passion and business acumen together in the right blend.

Special Thanks

Our entire series was ably managed and moderated by Pavel Bains, CEO, Bluzelle. He brought a 360-degree outlook in fintech, investments, DeFi, and many things blockchain and Crypto. Our gratitude to him for making these discussions much more focussed and directed.

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