Making a VR Game From Scratch #2: Help Me Choose an Idea

Take three ingredients: a VR developer (me), 3 to 5 months of free time and… you, yes you, my reader. Mix them. And you’ll get a VR blockbuster game made hand-in-hand with a community. Take part in the process, choose features, test new versions and leave your mark in the VR industry. Let’s see where it goes.

Kirill Karev
Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR)
3 min readMar 23, 2019


Last time I asked you to share ideas of your dream VR game. I assumed I would get two or maybe three responses. Now imagine my surprise when I checked the Google form and discovered more than 20 awesome ideas.

All of them are so different and fun. I would never come up with something like that. 100%.

At first, I expected comments like “You steal ideas because you can’t come up with your own” to be honest. However, turned out most people got very excited about that approach and even offered help (well, there was one negative comment on Reddit, but also that one was written in a quite respectful manner).

Ok, now get back to ideas. I included almost all of them in the list below and kept the original description(unfortunately, some of them were too vague, so I had to filter them out). Also, I added some features on top when the gameplay was a bit unclear.

I came up with two criteria which I think should help us decide which idea should make it to the top. Every criterion has 7 points starting from 1. Here they are.

1. Originality — How new does this concept sound for you?

1 point— I’ve seen it a million times, duh. 7 points— whoa, never seen anything like it.

2. Excitement — How much do you want to play it?

1 point — boooooring. 7 points — shut up and take my money!

After you are done, I’ll rate them too. Some criteria that are also important, like Complexity(can I do this to fully extend?) or Timeframe(can I meet the time frame of 3–5 months?). The end results will be posted in the next part of the series.

If you’ve already taken a look at the list, I know what you are thinking: “It’s hard to judge something written in one or two sentences.” True. So, that’s why I added an optional open answer at the end of the poll so you could describe your vision of the idea you liked. The winning idea will be posted with your vision attached to it.

Aaaand… IT’S VOTING TIME! There are 17 ideas below, just scroll down. If you can’t see the embedded form, that tries to click on the blank space below.

If you are reading this on mobile, the only way to vote is to open this article in the browser and turn the smartphone to the horizontal mode. Or simply use the direct link.

Priest vs. Poltergeist ver. 0.002 is already released! Join the forces on Discord to play it and take part in the dev process.

