WebXR — What we need to reach Unity and Unreal

What you need to do pure and beautiful WebXR experiences just for VR or standalone VR, not considering tablet/smartphone or Desktop.

Riccardo Giorato
Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR)


We need your help

This won’t be a complete article I need your help! I will keep updating this list every month with your help.

Feel free to share this link, add comments/tips or additions to the original source for this article here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xqEMPTZLoRdDed1TBf-5sRlGafehCyhtFXgmVuBXqYY/edit?usp=sharing

To understand what is needed, We need to consider what we usually need for a Unity or Unreal Engine VR experience.

Low-level access

SteamVR SDK or Oculus SDK to the hardware capabilities

Teleportation and Movements Systems

Moving around the scene with different method, being seated or fully moving around.

