WOWlab About UX for VR in Graduate School of Business Informatics

Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR)
6 min readApr 3, 2018

About myself

My name is Pavel Sovushkin. I am the director of UX design at the WOWlab Company.

WOW lab Company develops the UX design projects for augmented and virtual reality.

Our knowledge is based on constant experiments, which we collect within the team, within the Hakaton, and also by the Games Lab, organized by us, in which three teams in three months collect three projects in virtual reality.

More information about our projects and approaches you can find by adding to our groups in social networks and subscribing to updates:

We form the resulting experience in the methodology of developing UX design in virtual reality.

Do you understand what time we are living in?

The revolution is coming. All of us are on the wave of a new revolution in the understanding of a man of himself. We are at the turn of a new language story narrative.

You just think about it. The mankind has worked the stones and engaged in gathering for millions of years. Now, the pace of evolution is so condensed that we are on the verge of virtual reality. The world, in which the human brain is, perceives itself as part of what is happening.

The WOWlab Company sells the consulting to a number of companies, developing projects in the Virtual reality with full immersion now. I would like to tell you how to use the methodology of User Experience design — we collect the projects.

What is UX?

UX is a short for User Experience. Interaction Experience.

User Experience is WHAT a person feels and how he interacts with the virtual reality

The task of the designer is to form an experience of interaction, which will be comfortable and meet the main goal of the project through the elements of the project.

At the core of all our solutions, is understanding the culture and behavior of the user, who interacts with the client’s product

An important question, which is needed to ask at each stage of development, is:

“What does the player feel at a particular moment?”

It is at every particular moment. It is because the construction of experience is the creation of a mental model within a person. It is some kind of construction, history, in which the player will believe.

A story, in which a person will believe.

In order the created story to respond within the Player — its element, its codes should be clear to the observer.

We use all the tools at our disposal to study the experience of interaction: interviews, analytics, sociology, testing, and other studies.

When all the key elements are defined — they should be focused on the project’s objectives.

The value of UX

Question to the people: Who can give an objective example of the result of a good User Experience design?

Answer: The money is an objective indicator.

If the interaction experience is properly aligned — the player is involved.

If a person feels — he buys.

The influence of UX design is particularly clear on mobile traffic. You pay for attracting users. Optimizing the user’s interaction with the product in just a few percent divides the multimillion-dollar revenues from the need to close the project. Whether your traffic pays off or not depends largely on how effectively the user is involved in your story.

UX design gets a new degree of actualization in virtual reality.

The virtual reality offers a role to a person. A kind of a story, a mask, which he can try on.

The user feels himself to be the actor in a virtual reality.

If the event is not convenient, if it does not respond to its frames (its stories that it knows), then the user is not involved and the business loses money.

Elaboration of the UX design elements reduces the costs at the production stage and forms a controlled experience within the client / player.

Competent development is a risk reduction system for obtaining the most effective result.

The methodology of developing UX design for Virtual Reality leads to:

  • Identifying of the Visualization risks at an early stage of development: (technical part: the creation of 3D models, animations, effects, locations).
  • Identifying of the Interaction risks: (Mechanic implementation)
  • Proposal to reduce risks.

From General to Private

For the complex task solution of creating UX design, it is needed to look at many of its aspects / disciplines simultaneously.

The first stage: analysis;

It is needed:

  1. To determine the scope of the study.
  2. To study the previous work done in this direction.
  3. To take into account the experience gained. “You need to know your topic.”
  4. To identify the audience of the project.
  5. To define the purpose of the project.
  6. To form a mental image of the audience and projects of this direction within yourselves.
  7. To build a methodology for creating a system:

The second stage: the creation of the system;

A system is a set of elements of a project that are in relation to or links to each other, forming integrity or organic unity.

  1. . The project as a system of elements. (Sound, aesthetics, game design, code, script — these are all the elements of the project).
  2. Consideration and classification of elements.
  3. Consideration and classification of links between elements.
  4. The purpose of creating new relationships between elements.

Only with a full understanding of the problems, you can find appropriate ways to solve them.

For the results, it is more important to ask the right questions than to answer the erroneous ones


To create a good UX design, it is important to think through iterations.

It is also important to calculate risks, to take into account time and to have criteria for evaluating the result and alternative solutions to the problem.

Asking yourself a question and describing its solution — it is necessary to find risks in this decision; the elements, in the successful implementation of which there is complete certainty.

Reducing risks is the basis of development.

Before creating a prototype that will demonstrate these elements, it is necessary to work out the parameters, by which the results of this test will be considered successful or unsuccessful.

You need to be able to part with your favorite decisions, if the prototype shows their implementation as not the most optimal way to achieve the goal.


It is important to consider that the developer’s experience is usually higher than the user experience. Therefore, it is important for the designer to work with a test group that is not familiar with the device / interaction rules.

The designer must personally attend all the tests and analyze the actions, performed by the user

After testing the theory — you need to go back to the beginning and go through the entire element again, again identifying the risks and searching for possible answers.

It is important to take into account the cost of iteration and reduce it by creating a system that allows you to test the theory as quickly as possible and affecting as few resources as possible.


In present.




Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR)

WOW lab develop (UX)User Experience design for AR and VR projects.