WOWlab Company introduces the Hologram project on the Startup of the Year conference

Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR)
3 min readMar 21, 2018

Startup of the year is a conference where innovative projects and companies are presented.

The purpose of the conference is to introduce investors the projects that could be interesting for investment.

WOWlab introduced the Hologram project on the Startup of the Year conference.

Hologram is an online service to add holograms in alternate reality (AR) for businesses and their customers.

The service creates groups of users that are able to download and view holograms in a single virtual space.

The goal of the Hologram service is to establish convenient communication in alternate reality for businesses and their customers.

For example, implementation of Hologram into construction will allow placing tags (in alternate reality) on the premises, indicating the necessary work in a specific place in the real space. The working team on a facility sees where exactly it is necessary to perform the tasks, and is able to provide the feedback on the progress of the tasks within the service in a real time mode.

How it works

Any user with a mobile device with a camera will be able to create content in alternate reality.

You can view the content through the cloud from any smartphone, tablet or augmented reality glasses.

Hologram can include different types of content, combining them. For example, text, image, video or sound.

To view the AR content, you do not need to install a separate application for each hologram.

You can leave a comment on the hologram, which is useful both for business and for communication.

Why now?

Nowadays, a number of AR glasses are already on the market, and in 2019 large players such as
Microsoft, Magic Leap and Apple are entering the market.

Nowadays, the AR market is focused on mobile phones, which everyone has.

The AR market is not the future, but the present.

According to Digi-Capital, the volume of the AR market will be 120 billion dollars by 2020.

The WOWlab Company is already working in the AR market, developing projects for business.

The concept of the application

The Hologram service has a feed where a user is able to view the added labels / holograms and follow messages and comments like on Instagram.

When creating a hologram, a user accurately sees the quality and the result of placing it in the alternate reality.

The location information for a hologram is also displayed on the global map.

The project is being developed by WOWlab Company within its AR division.



Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR)

WOW lab develop (UX)User Experience design for AR and VR projects.