Tweak Your Inbound Marketing Strategy With These 5 Tips

Katelyn Rhoades
Inbound Growth
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2017

This week Ryan and I had the privilege of visiting HubSpot headquarters. We have so many exciting ideas to bring back to our clients at Impulse Creative and we can’t wait to share them with you. I thought I would give you a preview of what’s to come.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Have you ever heard the metaphor: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Let’s say you have a system or method in place that’s working, why on earth would you change that method? I’m sure everyone can attest to falling in this trap a time or two. But what if I told you, that a quick reevaluation and some minor changes, could ramp everything up?

That’s exactly what we learned this week. By following these five tips and considering these easy adjustments that I’m about to share with you, you could increase website traffic, page views, contacts, and get even more leads. And the best part about it? You have ALL the tools to do it, with HubSpot.

So without further ado, here’s 5 Tips to Readjust Your Marketing Strategy and Make More Wins!

Focus on Conversion Optimization

With HubSpot’s lead flows, it’s easy to jump right into conversion optimization. All it takes is a little digging. What is working for your business? Is it an email marketing sequence that could use a minor tweak? Is it a landing page that could benefit from an updated offer or CTA? Dive in to your content. Find out what is working, and supercharge your focus and efforts on that one thing.

Quick Tip: Look at your best performing pages historically and add a CTA if it’s missing.

Consider Local Search Engine Optimization

So your ranking on Google, but you’re not the top spot? Have no fear, local directory submissions are here. Visit all of the main local directory submission sites and submit your businesses information. If you’re already on all of the local submission sites, take the time to update your information and add photos. People want the most relevant information and content. Take a second to make sure you’re giving them, just that!

Market to the Bottom of Your Funnel

Need some quick wins? Go for the bottom of your funnel. For many businesses, the bottom of the funnel contains leads that know who you are and are comfortable with engaging one-on-one. This is where a free assessment, evaluation, or trial can come into place to fully qualify your most interested leads.

Have an E-Commerce business? Leverage a time-sensitive discount code. This will help establish urgency around making a purchase.

Utilize Google AdWords

Google AdWords is an effective way to drive traffic to your website. The beauty of AdWords lies in its speed and massive reach. Grab an existing offer and create an AdWords campaign that takes customers right to it. In as little as a few minutes, you can create targeted ads which are triggered and displayed alongside Google searches when Internet browsers search for predefined keywords. Additionally, your ads also will appear on websites and articles which contain similar keywords.

Explore Referral Campaigns to Your Existing Customer Base

Research shows that referral marketing is one of the best forms of marketing when it comes to conversions. Often referred as word-of-mouth marketing, referral marketing is people who purchase your product or service based on someone else’s trusted opinion or influence.

This can come from a variety of trusted sources including:

  • Friends/Family
  • News Publications
  • Customer Reviews and Opinions Posted Online
  • Influencer Opinions (Bloggers, Social Media Influencers)
  • Testimonials

Benchmark your marketing efforts

Your inbound marketing plan should always include benchmarks so you can measure the impact of your efforts once they’re implemented.

Remember: you don’t have to have all the answers up front. Just make sure you’re always trying new things and learning what works!

This article was originally published on Impulse Creative.



Katelyn Rhoades
Inbound Growth

Social Marketing Queen |smother mother |Bossbabe |taco enthusiast