Domino’s Kicks Up Customer Service Content — Why You Should, Too

Brianne Rush
Inbound Insights
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2016

Ordered a Domino’s pizza lately? I did, Saturday night. (Don’t judge! It was a much-needed break from eating healthy.) I jumped on to, encouraged by the mouth-watering commercials I had been watching all day. (Seriously, don’t judge. It was my day off!) Little did I know I would be more satisfied by the mega-brand’s content than its food.

The huge delivery chain has done a bang-up job with its “Oh Yes We Did” rebranding efforts, offering up a truly transparent look at its reinvention of the pizza. And while we gained a lot of respect for the authenticity Domino’s was bold enough to put forth, it was the customer service content that really piqued my interest this time.

What Made this Content so Special?

First, the Domino’s Tracker was a fantastic surprise. I could (and did) watch Pete the Pizza Maker digitally make my pizza order while Aboud, the actual Domino’s employee, was making my pie back at the shop. I saw that my order was prepped immediately upon ordering, how long it baked, that Aboud checked out the quality of it, and that Michael, my delivery man, left the store with it at 6:41 p.m. Nice.

This goes back to the transparent and authentic effort I mentioned earlier. I can see clearly that my pizza was checked for quality at 6:08pm, but didn’t leave the shop for 33 minutes. Seems suspicious, but since the food tasted good, I didn’t mind. The company is drawing back the curtain and letting us see what happens behind it. This is brave, but it also creates a huge amount of happiness and even a bit of suspense (I couldn’t wait for that darn pizza to arrive!) among patrons. These are all great goals and accomplishments of great content.

Plus, we are seeing the need for visual, entertaining and creative content as online channels are flooded with lower-quality articles and information. I’d say this pizza tracker covers all three facets.

Does it Get Better?

It sure does! Due to the awesome pizza tracking, I was interested in checking out the rest of Domino’s webpage. I scrolled down to see a clever ad — “Give Some Dough” — and the option to give Aboud a call if I needed to. There was also an estimated delivery time.

Even the small print at the bottom of the page, often filled with legal jargon on other sites, was interesting. The label “Legal stuff” caught my attention, and I was not disappointed when I continued reading. “Please reward your driver for awesomeness.” All right then!

Why is Customer Service Content so Important?

Overall, these content elements make up just a small part of Domino’s content and branding strategy. So why are they so important? Well, they are imperative components of an overall customer service content strategy.

Domino’s probably knows that a whopping 89 percent of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service. And it’s been found that 55 percent of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience. Plus, there is the logical explanation that customer churn is often attributed to the poor quality of customer service.

These facts highlight several reasons to concentrate some of your content efforts on customer service. That’s right! Content for after the sale.

The first? Building and maintaining strong relationships with your buyers, of course. When you solve your buyers’ challenges and answer their questions — whether it is “How long until my pizza arrives?” or “How do I configure my blog’s template options?” — you ensure happy buyers who will return often and tell their friends to do the same.

Another reason to concentrate on customer service content is to educate and even empower your customers. When you inform your customers, you avoid frustrated and unhappy buyers. And taking it a step further, informed customers become advocates both online and offline. They can answer questions and come to your rescue, if necessary, in social channels. Remember, information can be as small as Aboud’s direct line or as in-depth as a report regarding your commitment to the environment.

Finally, let’s be honest, customer service content can reduce complaints. The more informed your buyers are, the fewer questions they have and the less irritated or, worse, unsatisfied they become. Instead of me calling Domino’s to ask when my pizza would arrive, I already knew thanks to the handy-dandy pizza tracker. Nice work, Domino’s!

What Makes Great Customer Service Content?

You may have noticed what worked for Domino’s:

  • Surprise element
  • Transparency
  • Authenticity
  • Visual
  • Entertaining
  • Creativity
  • Clever
  • Interesting

Apply these elements to your customer service content, and you are sure to develop a winning strategy. And after this experience, there’s no doubt I’ll be returning to Mission accomplished with fantastic customer service content!

What are your favorite examples of customer service content? Share them with us below!

Originally published at



Brianne Rush
Inbound Insights

Finding the overlap of journalism, marketing and PR. #ContentMarketing Director @kuno. Writing enthusiast, feminist and animal lover, too.