This Year’s Hottest Campaigns:

Elba Zapata
Inbound Marketing Clinic at NYU


7 brands whose digital marketing campaigns were on fire in 2014

2014 has been an outstanding year for the digital marketing industry. Brands have explored new social media channels (Vine, GooglePlus, BuzzFeed, etc.), and mobile innovations have embraced brands’ audiences in new, fresh ways, forging unprecedented relationships between the two. Here is a list of 7 brands that stood out for their digital efforts and successes this past year. There is much to take note of and to learn from these inventive campaigns – not to mention a little to laugh at and a little to pull at the heartstrings.

1. Always #LikeAGirl – Let’s talk about things that matter

This is my favorite campaign of the year. As Nader Ashway says in his blog, “I’m rather insisting that you [marketeers] find something ELSE to talk about than yourself [the Brand].” In this case, Always has listened carefully to its audience, using deep insight to build a campaign that really resonates with consumers. It’s been a success – the video has 52 millions views so far and 14 million followers on Twitter. The hashtag “#LikeAGirl” was trending over the span of several months.

“We’re kicking off an epic battle to make sure that girls everywhere keep their confidence throughout puberty and beyond,” say Always reps, “and making a start by showing them that doing it #LikeAGirl is an awesome thing.”

2. General Electric – Art and science

Through the leadership of Lind Boff and Beth Comstock, GE has leveraged all social media platforms including BuzzFeed, Tumblr and Vine. Their goal is to display GE’s extraordinary engineering feats – and they have succeeded in their attempts. As a result of the company’s efforts, GE now has 2.7 million social media followers. With an impressive community of rail and aviation fans, this company is a clear example that there is no limit to social media and digital marketing.

3. Volvo Trucks live test series – parodies are welcome

Taking into account that truck buyers are surrounded by lots of influencers like drivers, friends and family, Volvo wanted to test new features in a spectacular way to reach way beyond the actual target group. The technical features tested on the cars were maneuverability, ground clearance, and steering. The video featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme was the subject of many parodies after its launch. This fact was something that, instead of damaging the Volvo image, increased the ad’s views and made the campaign more relevant. The results were phenomenal, with more than 100 million views and 8 millions shares. Volvo’s YouTube page grew 1870% and their Facebook fan page saw 1375% growth.

4. #Applebee’s — User generated content

Brands are letting people talk, share and own the conversation. One great example of this is Applebee’s #fantographer campaign. Even though there is high risk associated with brands opening their communication channels, Applebee’s must have done something right. The brand today has 24 million followers, and consumer engagement rose 25% percent as a result of the campaign. “People continue to prove that they’re more into the stuff they create versus the stuff we create,” said Shannon Scott, Executive Director of Marketing Communications at Applebee’s

5. Thai Life Insurance — Unsung Hero emotional campaign.

Unsung Hero is a campaign that has garnered substantial consumer engagement, this time on an emotional level. The message behind the campaign is that the brand is more than life insurance. It enhances the value of life itself. This ad reinforces its messaging exceptionally, and has traveled the world with more than 22 millions views on YouTube. The mini film takes important insights about consumers, especially its target audiences in Thailand. Says Apurva Chamaria in his blog:

“In Thailand, Thai Life Insurance is second in terms of market share, and has been targeting the entire consumer spectrum, through innovative products. It is also the only prominent life insurer that is of purely ‘Thai’ origins, in a market that has seen deregulation, buyouts and mergers. Therefore, ‘local’ understanding is integral to the company and its positioning, an aspect that is played out through this ad and its predecessors – the Thailand that is depicted here is urban but not citified.”

6. Post Foods’ Grape-Nuts Fit – loyalty program

Medium size food brands like Post Foods are using data platforms to gain traction for their loyalty initiatives. The cereal brand is winning via mobile advertising, targeting health enthusiasts to appeal to a younger demographic than the brand is traditionally known for. Adweek says:

“The brand is running mobile campaigns that dole out virtual rewards in exchange for watching videos or clicking on ads. The video campaign is generating a 35% click-through rate and a 90% completion rate. And, a sweepstakes that offers prizes including Lululemon gift cards and Fitbit fitness trackers has attracted 68,000 entries.”

Using the Post Foods’ app, consumers can take pictures of receipts to redeem them for prizes. The coupons can also be linked to retailers’ loyalty cards, heightening the interactivity and the app-to-real world engagement.

7. Sainsbury’s new Xmas 2014 ad – sharing

Sainsbury’s new holiday campaign shares a very compelling narrative, successfully building product and brand awareness during the Christmas season. In less than a week from its launch, the video has 8 million views. BBDO has created an uncharacteristically long ad, but we can’t imagine it being any better executed. The moving, historical moment channels the pathos of holiday love, compassion, and giving: It was Christmas Day of 1914, and German and British soldiers agreed to a ceasefire to come together in a neutral territory to share stories, moments and – as the story goes – a game of football.

Sainbury’s stores will sell the chocolate bar that plays a key role in the narrative. The sales will be donated to the Royal British Legion, which works to support servicemen and women, which further legitimizes the generous spirit the campaign embodies.

§ This post is part of Inbound Marketing Clinic, a research project at NYU SPS

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Elba Zapata
Inbound Marketing Clinic at NYU

Brand Manager ~ Social Media Enthusiast. NYC is my city and Lima is what I call home. Food is my passion.