Weak Spam Filters are Turning ‘Email’ from Inbound to Outbound

As a digital marketer, I’ve always had a special place in my marketing arsenal for email marketing, whether it was a retail client, a service company, or a content website, email marketing have always been on mind when developing marketing strategies.

Why? Well, for starters, it was the most intimate of all other marketing channels, a special bond forms when you love a website enough to willingly give them your email address and give your permission to be contacted by them from time to time. This is no longer the case; the majority of email addresses are collected through sign up forms, comment boxes, and lead generation forms, you are practically forced to provide your email address, at least if you want that free ebook or want to sign up into a web service.

Spam emails, on a single day!

And here’s the problem, email marketing is turning from a subtle way of contact that is filled with value for the reader (Inbound), to a purely promotional and interruptive marketing channel (Outbound), and we’re starting to have less of a say about it.

Spam filters don’t work, they simply don’t, I’ve reported spam emails from the same address like a 100 times, and they still appear in my inbox, remember Linkedin and their spam emails? Add to this that ‘unsubscribe’ buttons in emails no longer work, seriously, I’ve hit those multiple times as well, and they’re useless.

So if you’re a marketer, you’re gonna have to work twice as hard, and be twice as careful when sending emails, if you want to stay on users’ good side.



Mohammad Lafi
InboundFTW - Digital Marketing Strategy | SEO | SEM | Analytics

Digital Marketing Strategist. Into investment, technology, product design, travel, writing, and startup life!