Discover and Create your Perfume Anthology

Siân Alice Lalande
Inbound Journey - Collection
2 min readApr 1, 2017


An anthology is a collection of literary works chosen by the compiler. It may be a collection of poems, short stories, plays, songs, or excerpts.
In genre fiction, anthology is used to categorize collections of shorter works such as short stories and short novels, usually collected into a single volume for publication.

Why do certain perfume glass bottles have unusual shapes?

I like to think of perfumes as stories.

Most perfumes have a story behind their creation and just like a written one, different components come together to keep the story running.
The harmony of each element brought together will allow the action to develop which then will determine a certain logic for the reader to understand what the story is about.

A story has five basic but important elements which are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution.

The plot is the actual story around which the entire book is based and should have a very clear beginning, middle, and end — with all the necessary descriptions and suspense. That’s the perfume.
The person wearing the perfume is the character. They are the individuals the story is about. Every story has a conflict to solve. Our conflict is the smell of the perfume itself and our liking of it would be the resolution.

For you to reach the resolution, you will have to take into consideration the setting which is a description of the surroundings of the story.
That’s the perfume bottle.

Everyday settings can help a reader to better visualize the story and feel connected to the plot but unusual settings, like fantasy worlds filled with magic, are what makes some stories become so interesting.

To answer the question: All characters should stay true to the author’s descriptions throughout the story so that the reader can understand and believe the action that is taking place. Because each story (each perfume) is different and unique, it does make sense that the setting (the perfume) should be as well.

Create the perfect story with the Perfumist — the only app that can suggest you with new perfumes while staying true to yourself.

Hope you enjoy Creating your own Perfume Anthology

