The Internet Collectively Celebrates Steve Bannon’s Arrest

Juan Escalante
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2020

There is much to be said about the racist and xenophobic former White House Strategist, Steve Bannon, but nothing may compare to the incredible self-own that the news media is reporting this morning.

Earlier today, Steve Bannon was taken into custody by U.S. postal inspectors and has been “charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering.” U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss charges that Bannon took upwards of $1 million from an online fundraiser “We Build the Wall” to “pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal expenses.”

Critics of Donald Trump, myself included, were quick to react to Bannon’s arrest with outright mockery speculation about what this means for Trump and his allie. Frank Sharry, the Executive Director of the immigrant advocacy organization America’s Voice, used the opportunity to highlight how “Trumpism is about wielding racism to spin up followers so well connected cronies get rich and maintain power. Today’s arrests suggest that the house of cards built by Trump and his fellow gangsters may be tumbling down.

While CNN is reporting that it is unlikely to be held by authorities after his court appearance, there will be an “arraignment where Bannon will enter a plea in the near future.”

We will have to wait and see what becomes of Bannon and his band of crooks — but that hasn't stopped the Internet from scorching the former executive chairman of Breitbart News.

Here is a roundup of some of the best responses to Bannon’s arrest:



Juan Escalante

Undocumented Immigrant with DACA. Michelle Malkin called me a “Disgustingly Entitled Illegal”. 2X Florida Grad. Digital Strategist. Pineapple Belongs On Pizza.