4 Steps to Communicate Anything Clearly, According to a Scientist Who Teaches Quantum Physics to Kids

A method for clearly communicating even the densest topics from a man who would know

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Inc Magazine


Dominic Walliman. Photo: TEDxEastVan

By Scott Mautz

Having interviewed many, many leaders on keys to success for my books, keynotes, and this column, I can tell you that strong communication skills consistently comes up as being a crucial success driver. Especially when it comes to clarity of communication.

No matter how brilliant your thoughts are, if the audience can’t follow along with them, it does no one any good. That’s why some particularly interesting advice on how to communicate more clearly caught my eye when it was highlighted in late November on TED.

Physicist Dominic Walliman writes children’s books and creates YouTube videos that teach children mild-numbingly complex topics like quantum physics and nanotechnology. You know, standard stuff for an age group that doesn’t understand or care about flushing the toilet.

Walliman gave a TEDx talk in which he shares four communication principles he follows to clearly communicate the dense topics, even to dense kids. He says his method means that “you can pretty much explain anything to anybody, as long as you go…



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