6 Self-Improvement Hacks to Instantly Improve the Way You Live and Work

Not only will these make you happier, you’ll also notice an increase in personal well-being and productivity at work.

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


Photo by Lefty Kasdaglis on Unsplash

By Marcel Schwantes

If you’re looking to improve your life, I’d like to share some useful activities — backed by science — that can be done in as little as a few minutes per day. Others will require some stretching and soul searching, but the payoffs are tremendous.

As you make these rituals a habit, if done with the right intention and attitude, it may help you live with more inner peace and happiness, as well as increase your success and influence.

1. Express more gratitude.

Here’s a practical use of your time with great benefits. Make a list of five people at work for whom you are thankful. Think back on the key contributions they made, or events that have happened in the past week involving these people. Your next task should be to express sincere gratitude to them. Whatever your method (email, text, handwritten note, or phone call), make it personal and heartfelt and let these people know how you feel about them and their work.



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