7 Tips for Creating a Positive Workplace Culture

Dependability, structure, clarity, and meaning: Add your secret sauce and you’ve got a winner

inc. magazine
Inc Magazine


Photo: rawpixel/Unsplash

By Entrepreneurs’ Organization

Veronique James is a member and former president of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)’s Arizona chapter and CEO of The James Agency, an integrated agency specializing in consumer advertising, public relations, and digital marketing that has been honored locally and nationally for its excellence in workplace culture. We asked Veronique how she created a nurturing and inspiring workplace. Here’s what she shared:

No matter the industry or profession, in today’s fast-paced business age, you undoubtedly spend the majority of your waking weekday hours at work. A lot of us spend more time with our colleagues than with our own families, and some weeks, the office feels more like our primary residence. As a mother and wife, I understand how difficult this reality can be. So, how do we make it more tolerable?

Here are seven tips I’ve used to build a work environment where my team and I can thrive:

1. Begin with gratitude

I strongly believe that it is a privilege, not a right, to work together. In our agency, we begin each week with a 15-minute…



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Inc Magazine

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